Was changing the cabin air filter on my 2007 Prius. Dropped the plastic tray and broke one of the plastic side clips that hold the tray tight into the frame. Can this be glued back together and what type of glue (plastic, crazy glue,...)? Can a new tray be purchased, part number and price? Thanks
if i were you i would call these guys i don't want to be responsible for you ordering the incorrect part but judging from the illustration, the tray costs $10.42 and toyota calls it a filter cover http://albanytroy.toyotapartscenter.net
Not as bad as first appeared. Thanks to rigormortis, the tray can be purchased from albanytroy toyota for $10.42 + shipping or local Toyota dealer for around $13 (88899-47010). I did manage to glue the clip using CA glue + spray. Replaced air filter and the clip held, so I think I'm good till the next cabin filter change. Tough to glue this plastic and I don't think it will hold, but can always purchase a new tray next time around. Something to be careful with - the tray is very fragile. I dropped from about 4' and it landed on the corner with the clip. Clip broke clean off. If you look at the corner, the clip is held on by a thin 1/4" plastic. Thanks again for your help!