Installing external/plug-and-play Sirius

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Shimpy II, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. Shimpy II

    Shimpy II New Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Tampa Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    Hello. I just my got Prius on Thursday and I have a plug-in-play Sirius from my old car that I want to install. I’ve installed three of these in various cars, but I’m a bit intimidated by the Prius dash. We have too much radio interference around here for the “FM broadcast methodâ€, so in the past I’ve used a hard-wired FM adaptor that plugs in between the AM/FM antenna and the radio, but you have to take the dash apart to get to that.

    My first thought is to try a different method, and use the audio jack and power in the center console. Is that what everyone is doing? If that’s a good option, then the main questions I’d have are:

    -Where is the best place to mount the external radio control?
    -How did you/would you route the Sirius antenna cable to get it outside?
    -How did you/would you hide the wires between the radio and center console?

    Any help or ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. pdhenry

    pdhenry It's HEEERE!

    May 26, 2008
    2008 Prius
    If I were to do this (I might do it temporarily, until I get the TOYSC1 and SCVDOC1 combo) I'd put the radio in the center console and just worry about getting the antenna cable into the console. There are instructions around here on how to route the antenna cable from the center of the roof (between the FM antenna and the hatch) down into the interior under the hatch weatherseal, over to the right side of the interior, under the passenger doors and under the front passenger seat. From there it's easy to get to the console, there might be a way into the console from underneath but I haven't researched it.
  3. chrisspaulding

    chrisspaulding sexy, high tech, fun

    Apr 28, 2008
    2008 Prius

    If you're using a portable Sirius receiver and you have an aux input plug inside your center console, then you're set! No messing with the dash or radio!

    The center console is a good (out of site) location to store/power/plug in your Sirius. No mounting needed, just set it in there.
    Then run the antenna down the inside of the console, out under the console, under the driver seat/carpet, and under the door trim, back to the hatch, and then out to where your magnet sits behind the regular antenna. Some even DIY the antenna into their spoiler for total invisibility.

    A search here on PC will result a bunch of instructions/pics on the topic.
    Also try the knowledge base and file library sections of PC for more info.

    Good luck
  4. Shimpy II

    Shimpy II New Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Tampa Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    Thanks for the tips. I pretty much did as Chris described. I have the "lifetime" subscription, but Sirius limits the number of times you can change devices to 3, so I want to stick with this plug and play until it stops working, then I'll probably get another one.

    I ended up using the power and the aux input in the console, which worked great, but I did mount the control just under the compartment in the center dash with the flip down lid using the suction cup mount. I'll have to see how that holds up. I had to drill a small hole in the console to run the wires out, but it looks ok, and I also wired the power into the back side of the 12v jack so that the jack can be used for other things. I got one of those corrugated wire shields to wrap the wires from the console to the dash, and the wire under the seat. It took me a long time but it's working now. Thanks for the advice
  5. chrisspaulding

    chrisspaulding sexy, high tech, fun

    Apr 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Dang, nice DIY! I forgot to mention drilling the small hole in the center console, but you figured that out.
    Nice way to go above and beyond by wiring into the back of the 12v plug! What I did instead was use a plug splitter with built in fuse(which has already saved me once). I noticed the Sirius adapter required a different voltage(or wattage?) than the standard 12v so I like keeping it's plug intact for that conversion(if it's doing so).
    Corrugated wire shields? You really went the full 9! Cool.

    So, you're keeping your device in the dash map slot? You wired everything under the carpet to behind the dash??
    If your unit is there, why not wire into the 12v plug under the dashboard?

  6. TomTom

    TomTom New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    Carmi, IL
    2007 Prius
    Shimpy II,
    Did you remove the center console to route the wires or just drill into the side? I was going to take my console out but haven't yet figure out how to do that. I was going to drill a hole through the bottom to run my wires and then put the console back in.

    As for the antenna, I ran the wire along the right, top side of the dash and put the satellite antenna in the front right corner of the dash. It works great there and it took five minutes.

  7. chrisspaulding

    chrisspaulding sexy, high tech, fun

    Apr 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    To take your console out, unscrew the bolts - inside/bottom.
    Careful, there will be wires attached underneath in the front and back.

    I didn't take my console off because I drilled the inside/top(not all the way through, just to the space between the inner and outer wall) then routed the wires down that gap, but drilling through the bottom, you probably would need to take it off.

    I used to have my antenna on the dash but thought that looked too DIY so I hid the wire under the car trim and out to the roof. In fact, I'm planning to go one step further and place the antenna in my spoiler to be 100% invisible. That will save the risk someone notices the antenna and breaks in for the attached hardware.
  8. Shimpy II

    Shimpy II New Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Tampa Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    Chris, I stuck the unit to the dash just under the flip down compartment with the Sirius suction cup kit, and there is about 1' of exposed wired running from the base of the console to the unit, which I wrapped with the wire shield. My wife tells me the suction cup mount is not holding up there so I'm going to have to find another way to mount it. She's always flipping stations so I didn't want to leave the control in a compartment.

    TomTom, the cup holder in the front just lifts out of the console. Then there are two silver screws at the front base of the console, and two 10mm bolts inside the console near the rear (under the felt). Once you remove those, the console can be rocked up (from the front, keeping the rear on the floor). There is a bundle of wires that connects into the console at the rear. I drilled the small hole for the audio line just under the jacks in the front of the console storage area, and ran them hidden inside the console, around the bottom storage tray, and to the front.