I have an '05 Prius with 2200 miles on it that is about 2 months old. Yesterday, in the middle of my drive home, all volume control stopped working, I tried the buttons on the steering wheel but nothing happened so then I tried using the dial on the stereo and again no response. Everything else was working perfectly (Nav, Climate, even all the other radio butons). When I got home, I restarted the car and everything was back to normal. Has anyone else seen this problem? Is it a sign of more problems to come? Should I just look at this as a small computer glitch and forget about it since it fixed itself? or should I take the car to a Toyota Dealership and have it looked at? If I take it in, how many restarts are allowed before an error code gets cleared out of the computer? I'd really appreciate everyone's advice. Aly
Read this thread in care, maint, and troubleshooting Aly, I think it may apply to you: TSB on Multifunction Display - EL002-05 (sorry I don't know how to make that an active link) DAS
I don't think this TSB applies since my car is an '05 plus I haven't had any problems with the MFD just the volume button on the steering wheel and the volume dial on the stereo below the MFD.
I had it happen and have seen it reported here from a few other people. It seems to happen one time and then never again. If it is not the MFD problem, then I doubt that you will experience it again.
I agree with Ray. Many have at one time or another experienced that transient loss of volume control. Then, with a reboot, everything returned to and stayed normal. If it becomes recurrent or you have any issues with your MFD have it checked by the dealer.
One time the volume kept bouning between 2 values. Later discovered might have to do with the volume control knob. Twiddled with that, and it stopped bouncing.
I have the regular Toyota audio system. It's getting to be a frequent problem that the dashboard controls -- volume, tuning, even the power button -- don't respond. The controls on the steering wheel seem to work, so that's been a workaround for me when this happens. I've seen posts in this forum about the volume control not functioning, but I don't see anyone complaining about the whole system going down this way.
My wife's 06 just started having issues with the volume control and the station search buttons. After tuning it off it seems to work normal. Then it happened again this morning. These posts all seem to be in cold and dry air. Could it be a static electricity charge causing this? Neal