when you replace the battery

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by mattpopp, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid

    When the data is not in your favor people become very defensive to what they thought was true.

    I guess everyone of those people are liars. I guess the information that i find on the net is false but the information yall find on the net is true. I guess i should search it on CNN website then that would make you a believer.
  2. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    "y'all" might like to check out what I do for a living before "y'all" start telling me I don't know anything about trucks. In my world if a "truck" has a gross vehicle mass under 4.5 metric tonnes it isn't a truck, it's a toy.
    Have another look at the picture, it isn't a single articulated vehicle (tractor trailer) but a B-double configuration with a gross mass of 62.50 tonnes unless it is in a registered concessional mass scheme in which case it has a gross combination mass limit of 68 tonnes. "Y'all" might care to be memberin' this here is an international forum where we don't all consider the USA as the centre of the world. Sorry I used some big words.

    Now who said something about travelling the world? 3 times half way around the world and back, would that count? Of course I paid for my own travel and didn't have a weapon in my hand but I travelled all the same. Now I ain't bragging because in this forum I'm relatively untraveled. Have you checked how many members this forum has? It is huge. You're not in a group of straw chewin' yokels here, but a huge group of professional people, workers, farmers (some that chew straw) and a mass of knowledge you couldn't even begin to imagine. People in this group have occupations you didn't even know existed, many in the energy industry, unlike me, I work in the TRANSPORT industry. My mind boggles at the skills we have in this group. So maybe you can understand that although most will listen to (read) your rants, which are much the same as all the other trolls rants you can understand why a lot of them are bored with the same old dribble and brush you off.

    I would suggest you go get an education, travel the world with a backpack and a map instead of a gun and a Humvee and learn. Spend some time befriending the locals in a far flung part of the world and get your head around the fact there are a lot of good people on this planet and they often don't agree with you or me.

    I hope your not wasting time reading this to the end, I would have expected you to be on the phone organising a degree by now.

    NO, you can't have a Prius, you DON'T deserve one!!
  3. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Thanks Jack, you're a bloody card mate.

    By the way, Aussie toilets don't mess about swirling, they are too busy getting rid of apprenticed trolls. This is true, our toilets flush with a rush.

    I forget who it was has an Aussie Caroma water saver toilet set, they will I'm sure back me up on that.
  4. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well I am sure that was partially directed at me. But just like you said. You have no idea who you are talking to. I have spent alot of time in Europe and in Africa. Never once have a carried a gun in any of the countries have i visited. Never been in the military. And as far as my career goes I am willing to bet you and many others have never heard or seen what I do that feeds my family. You would be surprised at some of the people you are tring to pick a fight with over a computer. Pretty funny as I am sure you are the type that is a friend to the face but the moment the back is turned, watch out! You should think about what you are saying.

    The truck that you speak about, You will not find a double tanker in the States with that load rating in every day use here. Yall Aussies use bigger Trucks on a daily basis because yall have thousands of miles of nothing. and face it, the trucks that i(we) drive are a 3/4 or 1 ton rated truck is a truck or pickup or pickup truck. toy truck is not of a insult. but whatever helps you sleep at night then so be it, its a toy truck. You drive a micro death trap, its cool man.

    A Prius is not a privilege. I am not sure what ever gave you that thought. A privilege would be seeing each and every one of you have this same conversation in person with me. That my friend would be a privilege.
  5. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    Did you forget you are the one who came looking for a fight? I'm not trolling, you are. I'm in my natural element. For you it's burning gas at an alarming rate at 80+mph on the freeway.

    Why do I call these tiny trucks you refer to trucks, toys? If you carry farm produce to market in a 1 ton truck you need a bigger farm and less government subsidies. If you're towing a backhoe around with a toy truck you are overloading it, get a tipper so you can carry the dirt and waste away. Or are we talking a mini excavator? If you're one of the 10% of ute owners in the USA who actually use it for work, like plumbers and builders, all power to you.

    I can tell from your posts you have no idea about oil reserves or the environment, I can also tell you know squat about the Prius so I have no idea why you came here to tell us all about it. One thing you don't seem to know is Prius has a 5 star safety rating.

    What will happen to the millions of batteries? They will be recycled to retrieve the raw material to make new batteries. What will happen to the extra paint on your truck because the panels are big? What about all the plastic inside your truck, is it marked for easy recycling like the plastic parts of a Prius are? A lot of plastic inside them toy trucks.

    One day you might have that privilege of meeting me face to face, I think we might not see eye to eye but that doesn't mean we wouldn't get on.
  6. Jack66

    Jack66 Kinda Jovial Member

    Jan 26, 2008
    Stafford, Virginia
    2008 Prius
    Matt, try reading the posts on your own thread.

    Also, good move to post information from Consumer Affairs -- you just proved yourself to be uneducated. Since you did so much research you probably noticed the date of the complaints? There is an entire thread on that very article -- spend a few minutes looking at it after reading the posts in your own thread.

    And please remember that I am the kinda jovial PC member -- honestly, people on PC are open and honest about their cars as long as you are the same.

    Cheers! :)
  7. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Gotta love the NOx and PM10

    So, stop by your local Toyota dealership and take one for a testdrive. If a big hairy guy like me can drive one, so can you




    They're not even rated for that in Canada. As a Public Service Announcement, I should also let you diesel fanboys in on a little "secret."

    When you proudly describe the fuel economy of some EU market diesel car being "better" than a Prius, you are *not* comparing fuel economy properly. The reason is that fuel economy in the Rest Of The World is rated in litres per 100km, or l/100km.

    In the EU, particularly in the UK, when l/100km is converted to MPG, it is *always* in Miles per IMPERIAL gallon

    Imperial Gallon = 4.54 litres
    US Gallon = 3.78 litres

    Kind of funny how the diesel fanboys go on and on about how some tiny car like a UK Ford Fiesta diesel gets 62.5 MPG but the Prius "only" gets 45. In the UK, the much smaller diesel Fiesta and the Prius are rated within 1 MPG of each other by official UK government tests

    Others have provided data from NHTSA and others. The recorded crash rate, injury rate, and fatality rate are a matter of public domain, same as in the EU. Once you contrast the crash, injury, and fatality rate of American drivers to EU drivers, something becomes very apparent.

    I strongly encourage you to use your freedom, rights, and knowledge to look up those public domain data sources. I'd hate to be accused of putting words into your mouth
  8. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    You believe everything an ambulance chasing lawyer tells you. Dig around that site, there is *plenty* of dirt about Dodge and Ford too
  9. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    How about those giant mining trucks that use electric drive? Last time I checked, a choo-choo also used a motor/generator setup. The diesel engine runs a generator, the generator "generates" electricity, the electricity powers the drive wheels of the locomotive.

    Most of that was caused by Cheap Credit which allowed hillbillies, rednecks, and white trash to move out of their trailers and tarpaper shacks into nice homes. We're paying for that mistake

    No s***, really? But we *are* running out of cheap oil. I have a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and provide a lot of consulting to the petrochemical industry.

    Do you have any idea what the extraction cost per barrel of oil is? I'll clue you in. All that oil sitting on the shelf area of our East Coast and West Coast is so hard to get to, locked in such tight formations, that it breaks even when oil is $60-$120 a barrel.

    Oil companies are sitting on huge numbers of coastal leases. Why? Extraction costs. Example, the Hibernia Field near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. That field was so expensive the Canadian government set up a Crown Corporation called The Hibernia Management And Development Corporation to funnel TENS of BILLIONS of Canadian Taxpayer dollars into getting that field going

    That field has been in operation almost 10 years and has already peaked out. Figure another 10 years before it's shut down. Even if the rest of the pumping history is at +$140 a barrel, overall the entire production of Hibernia will end up LOSING MONEY

    Uh-oh, HMDC sounds like one of those Evil Socialist things. Wonder why the good 'ole Free Market Capitalist oil companies were not willing to front the massive cost? Oh right, +$60 a barrel extraction costs.

    Tar sands and shale is another one. How do you extract oil from goey tar? Easy! You first pulverize it, "wash" it to get off the sand, dirt, trace heavy metals, naphthenic acids, etc. You end up with a toxic sludge that must sit in giant man-made lakes forever. Next, the resulting emulsion must be "retorted" in giant ovens

    After retorting, it must be desalted and then distilled, like a regular refinery. I have a thread somewhere in this forum explaining in painful detail how an oil refinery works. Need somebody to design an oil refinery for you, I'm your guy

    So I guess that makes me part of "them." Geez, didn't know I had so much power. When my contract comes up for renewal, I'm asking for a private jet!

    I frequently travel to various EU countries, Singapore, and China on business. I guess that qualfies me for "getting around"

    The reason the Rest Of The World has a problem with Americans is because a lot of them have this "my s*** doesn't stink but yours does" attitude. Keep in mind I'm a dual citizen, so don't play the Patriotism card with me, it doesn't work
  10. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I have no problem with that. Just don't piss and moan about what it costs to fill up the tank. Don't blame some evil socialist plot for the current price of a gallon of diesel or gas. The US most import 60-65% of its crude oil needs simply due to not having enough *reasonably priced* domestic alternatives.

    The US is quite capable of meeting 100% of it's crude oil demand with domestic sources. Most of the domestic source is in very *tight* and deep geologic formations, and requires extensive extraction and processing. At $140 a barrel, those sources lose money.

    A *farmer* doesn't receive subsidies?! I'll see that to believe it!

    Sorry, the NHTSA disproves your claim. Look it up, it's a Free Country after all. Unless you believe your government purposely distorts statistics, like some evil commie country would

    In a high speed crash, especially a rollover, kinetic energy comes into play. KE = 1/2 the mass, multiplied by the velocity SQUARED. A heavy vehicle has a lot more energy to deal with at higher speeds than a "light" Prius does

    Contrast vehicle crash rates by vehicle class, including injury and fatality rates. Now compare similar stats from the EU, notice anything unusually different? The EU rates are a fraction of ours, due to having mostly smaller cars on the road.

    I also believe it's my "right" to not have to pay for their new vehicle after the crash, to not pay for their hospital stay and a lifetime of rehab. Trouble is, I DO pay for it, and dearly. The problem with health insurance and car insurance, is that the rates are so high due to a handful of dumbasses

    I say let them crash, but don't treat them. Let any unseatbelted dumbass just die right there in the grass of the median. A dead person is one hell of a lot cheaper to society than a person who survived with brain damage, a broken back, in a wheelchair pissing and s***ing into a bedpan the rest of their lives

    Yeah, so what? I was 10 years in, honorably left as a CW2. I knew what I was getting into, I wasn't drafted. I don't expect people to kiss my butt just because I served in the armed forces

    As far as the truth, you will discover there IS no "truth." No matter the extreme left, religious nuts, neoconservatives, media, whatever, it's ALL bulls***

    It's kind of obvious from your postings that you tend to follow the neocon angle. More power to you, hope it works out
  11. KayakerNC

    KayakerNC Member

    May 15, 2008
    Eastern North Carolina
    2010 Prius
    Originally Posted by mattpopp [​IMG]
    Just like when I fought for OUR country. We all have opinions, thats what is so great about this country but the truth is hard to find and to except sometimes.

    Does trolling on the internet count as "fighting for our country"? :fish:

  12. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    First off i am not evening going to go into why a Cargo hauling Train or a Large mining truck uses a diesel engine to turn a genny to run the Final drives that are driven by a Ele. Motor. You are a idiot and let me tell you again why.

    Let me school you about Hibernia. In 1979 the largest field was founded off of your East Coast, Hiberinia. 1997 Hibernia saw her first production of oil. The first day they produce 20,000bls, Hibernia was projected to average 180,000lb after they got the rest of the fields online. and they did. Mind you the entire Hibernia project was mind blowing 5.8 billion dollars. In 1997 that was a ton of money and still is. Well in 2006 I will share with you there production 61,367,144bbls of oil, Gas was 86,904MMscf. So they are doing pretty good. Thats just one year. They are not losing money.

    All of yall are just full it. Yall have nothing but he said she. I have showed facts again. I am sure this is fake to. you can lead a horse to water but you can not force it to drink it!!!!!
  13. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I can agree with you on us having a great country and i am proud of my country along with those that are able to leave there families and serve in our military.

    I came here with a couple of simple question and was belittled, yall picked the fight. I had no idea Prius owners are so sensitive.
  14. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Waaaa make Jayman stop, waaaaaa he hurt my feelings!:D

    An AMERICAN is going to "school me" on Hibernia?


    Yes they are, as a Crown Corporation, HMDC, is *still* siphoning billions of taxpayer dollars to hide the true costs. Why keep the Crown Corporation going if it isn't needed.

    Actually, things are rapidly becoming sour between the provincial stakeholders and EM

    ExxonMobil reneges on commitment to allow province to audit company’s books on Hibernia

    Apparently, the Province of Newfoundland no longer believes it can trust the books, as presented to them. As HMDC is a Crown Corporation, it is automatically shielded - by specific Canadian law - from audit, investigation, or reporting

    Your costing and field reserve figures are suspect, at least according to official Canadian govt reports

    L'exploitation des réserves de pétrole et de gas au large de la côte est (83-5f)

    Remember that the only way to transport that oil from the GBS is by ocean tanker. That alone adds considerably to the cost per barrel. If things are so rosy, why the CONTINUED Canadian taxpayer funding, why the layoffs

    Hibernia layoffs a shock to employees, minister

    The investigative news program CBC Fifth Estate had the true costing correct back when they first discussed Hibernia. Although widely dismissed by the government partners, the simple fact that HMDC still exists, still rakes in billions of taxpayer dollars, to keep the fields going is evidence enough

    Well little man, feel free to invent a new refinery process, or a new pickup that gets 48 mpg, and then we'll be impressed. Bye bye now
  15. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The layoff is not a layoff like you would think it it. Hibernia has a field directly under it. Hibernia also have satellite field like every other production Platform. They do not need two 24hr drilling crews. Do you understand how it works. You drill a hole, you set your casings. you either (a) set a sub sea BOP with drilling riser attached all the way up to the rig or (b) run your drilling riser to the well head and you have a dry BOP on the rig. You begin to drill the well at this point. Once the drilling is done and you have flowed the well to see the returns and quailty of your well. You then move on to completion. which you will reconfigure the riser or not, remove the Bop or not. That all just depends on the set up. but once the completion is complete you move on to the next the well. And you do so until all of the wells are drilled and producing. When all of the wells are producing you do not continue to drill. At times you will have to work over a well. It could be for many reasons.

    So my point is. when drilling is complete you crew down the people you do not need on board the rig. So Noble is the Drilling Group, MI is the Mud engineers that are there for Drilling. Do you need me to explain what drilling uses MI for. And Schlumberger, well there are so many groups but you need them for drilling to, probably wire line or directional drilling. So with 50 guys being crew down from a rig is normal. That means nothing. Exactly its a good thing. that means the wells are producing, if they drilling or doing a work over that means they are not producing.

    I am on a Shell platform right now. We have a Derrick on here but we are not using it due to the wells are drilled and no well needs to be worked over. We will be crewing up H&P in Oct to work over a well or two then. And when they are done we will be crewing down H&P, MI, Schlumberger, and a few other companies. Same thing as you read about Hibernia. Its not a Layoff. We call it the Offshore Oil Field Life

    Exxon/Mobile is just taking advantage of your relaxed laws. They are making money off of yall hand over fist. Your government needs to tighten up. Before you say it ours does to. Our Congress is a joke.
  16. Zythryn

    Zythryn Senior Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    Other Electric Vehicle
    Matt, you are right, you did ask a couple of simple questions. However you also threw in a number of inflamitory phrases. This got the ball rolling and instead of listening to or responding to the people that gave you factual information you decided to only 'see' the people that called you a troll or such.
    Now, if you are not a troll, I would recommend you ignore any personal attacks and simply read the factual information that has been given to you.
    If you choose to not only respond only to personal attacks, but add to them yourself, is it any wonder you get more of the same?

    As for safety the Jeep Grand Cherokee does indeed get better driver and passenger government ratings (5 star over 4 for 2008 model year).
    However it also gets a worse rollover rating (3 vs 4).
    And unfortunately the Cherokee aparently was not tested for side impacts for which the Prius got 5 and 4 stars accordingly.
    As for Large vs Small cars, if you have a bias against small cars, that is fine, why single out the Prius though? Many small cars have lower safety ratings.
    As for your need to be able to haul equipment, sorry to hear that. You are the drivers I feel sorry for you.
    As you mentioned earlier, the yahoos that don't need the hauling/towing capacity of a truck and then complain about gas prices are the ones I have no sympathy for.
    As for buying American, I would be happy to. I visited Saturn, Ford, GMC and a Pontiac dealer to see if any of them had a car for sale that could even get close to 45mpg. Unfortunately none could. If they did, I would be driving one of those.
  17. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You have some good points. But to my few personal attacks there are many more attacking and i am just defending my ground at this point.

    I try to buy American made as much as possibly, if not Canadian made. But even if the Foreign car gets a few miles to gallon better its more important to support our economy then another country. If a man can leave his family to risk dieing in a country that does not matter who he is, the least i can do is support our economy a little bit. Granted one of my trucks is built in Mexico but the R&D was here.

    Toyota and Nissian have factories here in the US. that is great. But the majority of the truck is built and design in there founding country.
  18. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Look guys, I am old fashion. I try to bring myself to this new age we are in and its not me. I can not think the way the news people tell me, or the celebrities, or the green people, or this new rights to same sex marriages. We all have our limits on how far we can go. I came here curious and it turned in to this huge battle of who is right. We all have answers. Thats the way it is. you are not going to change my mind and I am going to change you mind. The Prius is not for me, I have found to many faults in it for me to own one. Whatever one may cost to drive home in it. 25,000 maybe. That will fuel my two trucks for a long time before i could break even.
  19. Zythryn

    Zythryn Senior Member

    Apr 28, 2008
    Other Electric Vehicle
    Matt, if you need to haul/tow heavy equipment I would think that would put the Prius out of the running right there.
    As for cost, it is cheaper than your Grand Cherokee, so I expect the Prius would save you money the moment you bought it.
    It is not about changing opinions. It is about having the correct facts which you can then base your own decisions on.
    Ignore the personal comments, political remarks, etc, stick to the facts. If you are really doing research you will get plenty of good information here.
    As for a 'few miles per gallon' the closest domestic I could find gets 38mpg, and was too small and had too low a safety rating (as you said, safety is critical).
    The Prius gets an EPA rating of 46. That is just over 20%. In my mind, that is no small gap.
  20. mattpopp

    mattpopp New Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I don't know how this effects the small cars but it does on the bigger vehicles. All EPA testing for High Way is done at 55 mph, along with a certain acceleration pattern. I would think there is a noticeable difference on the Prius driving 55 or 70 mph.

    I gave facts just as yall did. There are pages of information for anybody to read it. But everything I posted yall said it was false and misleading. As I see It I was able to provide much more information backing me.