With the move earlier this year to new servers, PriusChat hasn't see much significant down time. But now there's a way to find out if a site you want to go to is down for everyone, or if it's just your connection/routing. :ranger: To see if PriusChat is up, go to: http://DownForEveryoneOrJustMe.com/priuschat.com You can use the same path, changing the final domain, for any site. :typing:
Haven't you had the experience, Sophia, of going to a web site and getting an error that the site isn't responding or the page just never loads? This is a tool, hosted on Google's servers, that tries to access a site over several paths. If it gets through to the site, it reports it's just you. If it doesn't, it reports everyone is experiencing the same site outage. Bookmark the site, then if you can't get into PriusChat, click the bookmark to see if it's just you. Nothing personal.
If you enter a domain name that doesn't exist, it give you the error message: Huh? doesn't look like a site on the interwho.