My dealer has told be that my Prius will be here on July 22. One of the "options" that he claims are installed at the port on all Prius' in the south east is "GPS security system". Does anyone know what this is? Thanks, Bill in Atlanta
How does this work, MsDaisy? The GPS satellites can let a receiver on the ground determine a location, with more or less accuracy, but how is the location of a stolen Prius (a rare occurrence) relayed to a tracker, and who is that tracker? Does this mean Bill's Prius will transmit its location all the time? How does the car know it's stolen to activate location transmission? Who makes this port-installed option?
It's basically a new form of 'Lojak' theft recovery. The salesman is lying or mistaken if he says it's being installed on "all" Prius'. Maybe just the ones coming to his dealership. This is probably what the dealership has bought into. SouthWest Dealer Services | Karr If you don't want it, tell them NO, or look somewhere else.
From Wikipedia: "A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of a vehicle, person, or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at regular intervals. The recorded location data can be stored within the tracking unit, or it may be transmitted to a central location data base, or internet-connected computer, using a cellular (GPRS), radio, or satellite modem embedded in the unit. This allows the asset's location to be displayed against a map backdrop either in real-time or when analysing the track later, using customized software."
You are correct. The Karr unit is what the dealer is installing. This strikes me as a dodge to get around the promise of MSRP plus a $499 markup/fee. Now they are saying that this GPS security system is "required" installation being done "at the port" by Toyota. Smacks of additional mark-up hidden in a bogus add on. Bill in Atlanta
I feel your pain! When I bought my SBM #6 off the allocation list, I was told the dealer options that were going to be installed were chrome wheels and window tint. I asked if I could decline those options since the car was still in Japan, and the dealer told me no . . .My other alternative was to pay a $4,000 markup for nothing at another dealership, or pay the $2400 for chrome wheels and window tint . . .Chrome wheels, I can buy at my local Pep Boys for $420, and I could have probably added window tint for $200-300 . . . The good news is that your car will arrive soon! My SBM #6 is at the port and will be freighted to my dealer this week.
Thanks, MsDaisy. Do you know what transmission method Karr uses to send its location? I looked on the site 9G-man posted and the information there is sketchy.
Insist that they skip installing it. Southeast Toyota LLC is installing boat loads of crap on all the Priuses when they hit port and any dealer can tell them to not install any of that stuff.
They only install that stuff as a scam trying to get more money out of you. It's the same as undercoating in the 80's (Check out my post in the dealer forums if you want to see the HELL I went through with a dealer in Oneonta, NY). Any dealer that will install ANY EXTRA GARBAGE NOT ON THE TOYOTA WEBSITE IS A SCAM ARTIST. The only way these evil beings will stop doing it is if NO ONE PATRONIZES THEM AND REPORTS THEM. I filed with my attorney general already and they are looking into the matter. Just because these cars are like Wii's at Xmas does not mean you do not have rights. Secondly, i would NOT want a GPS tracking system in my vehicle. As a information Security expert this leads to some 3rd party available to track my car. Lets say this option is in your vehicle and you get in an accident. Potentially the information recorded can be used against you as well. It is not worth a cent of your well earned money for this bogus option. Chances are if your car is stolen they will know how to override the system anyways, I've seen it done before when I was evaluating several of these "tracking" devices on fleet vehicles. As a side note: Within 1 day of dumping the scam artist in Oneonta, I found another dealer within 2 hours with a Package 6 coming in next week. So it isnt impossible, you need to stand up for your RIGHTS.