The Altamonte Springs Florida Police force has started to change over from Chevrolet Impalas to Prius. They have taken delivery of their first car and it was a Black Prius. Don't know if it will be used as a sleeper or a full black & white unit but my guess is it will be a unmarked unit as the flashing light were mounted inside and the paint was still all black. So next time your zipping towards Orlando on I-4 in central Florida and your admiring that sharp black prius in your rearview mirror - beware - it may be "The Police"!!! I can't wait till I see it on the news the first time they pull over some local yokel in one of those Ford F-5million type trucks going 85 bitching about his gas mileage. LMAO!!!!!
I would luv to see it as a true black and white police car! Can you imagine all the "I got pulled over by a Police Prius!" stories it would generate? ... Brad
Careful now,you are showing your age:gossip: BTW-I bought a motorcycle during that gas crunch. Saved on gas but sure was rough when winter rolled around.
That bottom pic looks like what a friend of mine calls terminal butt sag. That is the point in a cars life when the rear suspension goes flat and the car permanently looks like it has 1500lbs of concrete in the trunk. It signals the cars end of life, thus the terminal part. But I guess he is rocketing away form the light under full throttle, new hyper-miler technique? G
Here's what the Northern Illinois University's Police Prius looks like: I also found a Classic Prius used in Marion County, Florida:
I'm waiting for the first police chase to end by the pursued to stop and claim they can no longer afford the gas to get away.
More likely, the commentary on the helicopter video would sound like, "the police car is catching up to the criminal, now he's coasting back. Wait, he's catching up again. OK, he's coasting some more. . ."
I thought police cars had souped up engines and suspensions for fast driving? Can they do that to a Prius?
Many police depts have "no pursue" policies, so if that's the case, it won't hurt to not have something built to do 120 mph.:car:
Those Police Cars are equipped with the fastest equipment in the world - Their radio. Of course they will need a hugh fleet of radio equipped Prius to corral a 100 Mile Per Hour speeder. Can't wait till we see a Prius Police Car perform a "PIT" manuver on "The World's Most Shocking Videos".
The Fairfax County Police has 11 Prius, along with several hundred Ford Crown Vic. I fully expect in time all Police cars will be hybird.
that's great, they'll save loads of money when they don't idle them all the time. the electrical load on those cars is heavy, i wonder how long it can sit ready with all the stuff running before the battery gets so low the ICE kicks on?
a prius has no issues getting up to 100mph. why do people think they are so slow? sure it wont set any speed records but it gets the job done. its a perfect police car too. all cities have helicopters in the fleet for the dumb speeder who thinks they will get away
Yep, mine starts to electronically cut out at 107, although I've seen it at 108 before it catches itself, and brings it back down to 107. Certainly one of the lowest top speeds of any modern car (I believe Chevy trucks are still electronically limited at 100) but in urban areas the radio is typically recommended once speeds get anywhere close to that. Mike
My city had at least one Prius that the "Parking Nazis" (parking enforcement) used. It was replaced about six months ago-now I see the same parking enforcement lady in my neighborhood driving a Ford Fusion. The chief of police was quoted in the paper that the car was just rotated out as a matter of policy-due to mileage and/or age-and was replaced with a conventional vehicle as they didn't deem the hybrid to be cost effective. The car also had a bicycle rack on it, but I never actually saw a bicycle on it.