I have had cars for 42 years. I park at the same places I always have. Today, someone keyed the driver door of the Prius while I was in Walmart. It just sickens me to know that people do such mean things for no reason at all. Has anyone had a door painted lately that could give me an idea how much its going to cost?
ouch, sorry happened to us about a year ago too. we had to have almost half the car repainted because they hit both doors and the rear quarter panel. cost was $1000, we paid out a $500 deductible. then we dropped our comprehensive deductible to $100.
I'm so sorry some stupid hater did that to your car. Galaxee had a similar problem, at an even more unlikely location.
walmart attracts all kinds of people.. it was probably random.. a young hoodlum who did not care what kind of car they damaged.. as long as they got their kicks for the day being a bad boy. eventually that type gets theirs in the end. prison. sorry to hear about this and i wish you the best of luck fixing it for cheap.
Ask walmart if they have security footage of the parking lots... perhaps they can ID your troublemakers.
Really sorry to hear your nice car got keyed. It is truly pathetic how some get a rise out of making the world a worse place. Considering how many people get away with evil deeds, some very evil, I personally find comfort in hope that God sees all and will judge. I've no proof for that, but it brings me some comfort.
WalMart does have cameras. The trick will be in getting them to let you view the footage. If you filed a police report and feel it is worth the trouble and cost a lawyer can make them. Or,you might get lucky and find the manager willing to allow you to see footage. I would just forget about it and paint door. I had one painted about three years ago for $300.00,local shop. GOOD LUCK!!!!
thanks all. tom is going out this morning to see if any shops are open to give us an estimate. i was thinking in the 400 dollar range....i was thinking, there goes a couple months gas savings........sheesh. i told him to see if they could cover up the scratch on the bumper from the flying license plate that hit it a couple weeks ago. some people could just let it go and not worry about it, but we have to get it fixed. it would bug us every time we look at it. let ya know what he comes up with.
It sucks that your car got keyed. People really stink. I hate going to Walmart, not because of dislike of big corporations but because their parking lots always seems to be hard to get in and out of, the isles are too narrow for decent shopping and present company excluded the customers there seem to be rude, (walk right down the middle of the parking lot so cars can't get by, block shopping isles etc). Anyway enough of my rant. I have to go there once in a great while and I always park way out at the far end of the lot and hoof it in. It really reduces the competition for spaces and there are far fewer people walking by my car that might want to do things like steal stuff or key the car. It has been my experience that the people that do this sort of stuff are fat and lazy and don't want to walk a 100 yards (gasp!!!) to execute their evil. G
tasker, Sorry to hear about the damage to your Prius. It should be covered by Comprehensive on your auto insurance, although you're still out the deductible amount (usually much less than the Collision deductible). You might want to talk to your insurance company and get their recommendation on a good repair facility. Some years ago, the wife had her new car keyed in a university parking lot. Needless to say, she was VERY upset.....
sorry to hear about your car. which walmart in il were you at? at the same time you are too far away for the security cameras to catch anything.
Ooh, that sucks. Ours has nice big dent in the side shaped like the toe of a shoe, at just the right height for a toe of a shoe to end up if someone were to kick it... And then someone keyed the OTHER door in 3 different places... I wonder how they would feel if I did that to their car...
Sorry to hear about the keying. You have to accept there are a lot of hillbillies, rednecks, dumbasses, and white trash who - in their deranged little peabrains - believe the Prius alone is responsible for the current price of fuel, the economic mess, etc That has to be true. Plenty of neocons have brainwashed them into believing it These same retards are also insanely jealous of anybody with a nice vehicle. I had a 1990 4Runner keyed when it was only a couple of years old. Cost me around $300 to fix the driver door, but at least it did closely match. I'm a big buy, shaped like a gorilla. Personally, if I caught anybody keying my vehicle, I'd rip their f***ing arms right off. Around a year ago, I caught some teenaged punks trying to key my FJ at a Home Depot. I worked them over pretty good Quite frankly, I'm surprised they didn't have me arrested for interfering with their criminal activity. As far as the repair, I guess it can be fixed to almost match the rest of the car. I've never had small repairs exactly match the rest of the car
heres a picture.......didnt get to get an estimate because everyone was closed for the holiday weekend. our comprehensive deductible is 500 so im sure its going to be out of pocket.
we were at the one in ofallon illinois. its about 1 mile from our house. the flavor of the store has been changing and im thinking about going to the one about 5 miles away just because of that.
That looks like it's just clearcoat only. You might be able to get it buffed out or get the door re-clearcoated. Its hard to tell from the picture, but ask the bodyshop if they think it can be repaired without repainting.
Also sorry to hear about your paint damage...I love to shop at Walmart, but I try to park at the very far end of the lot where it is less busy with traffic. This can happen to all of us, so be mindful as to where you park your Prius.
i always try to park as far from any car as possible, esp in "low class" places like walmart ... sorry about your door, try some touch up paint from the dealer
grrrrrrrrr......2 estimates. one was 695 and the other 495. the lesser one is from a reputable place and the price difference is because they offer deals to USAA insurance customers. its not that bad and isnt that terribly noticeable but its a new car and i hate to have a big scratch on it.