Well, after talking to Eric Powers about doing some engine block heater installs at Hybridfest, the answer is yes. And not only will engine block heaters be installed, we're going to install a BT strut brace and a BT skid plate. And, if the stars align, we will do the installs INSIDE the exhibit hall. Ahhh, A/C and a smooth clean floor to lay on. So, the point of all this is some extra enticement to draw you to Hybridfest. If you want your engine block heater, your BT equipment, Coastal lockpic, or perhaps EV switch installed-bring it to Hybrid fest. And bring your camera to record your mod. The Hybridfest mod-shop is now open. Wayne
Geez Wayne, I don't think that's a good idea at all! You'll be totally out of your element, you may get disoriented, confused...there's no telling what hole you'll put that EBH in! I think you better stick to the 100F gravel driveway just to be safe.
OK I am a newbe but what is Hyridfest 2008? What are the dates and where is it located? What will be going on other than installing block heaters?
It will be good to see you and the family again Wayne. LenS, see this link. Hybridfest, a hybrid electric car show and more!
I want: Fog lights only on mod. Yuppie button, AKA Aft Photon Torpedoes. Don't suppose you will be doing those. OTOH, I will do a search on the fog light mod. IIRC it only involved a diode and moving a couple of wires.
if you get the aft torpedoes worked out let me know! I could use those! I wish I could go to the event and see all the wonderful hybrid and Prii membership. You guys need to do one in Orlando sometime!!
Which species has rear toes? All the ones (Hobbits, Klingons, Hyumons, that chump in Star Trek the Undiscovered Country that the gravity boots didn't fit) I know have toes only on the front of their feet. Sorry the xenopodiatrist will not be able to make it.
Wish I was closer, driving from VT to WI is out of the question right now. It would be great to have some help installing my EBH & BT skid plate (when it arrives) though. And by that I mean someone to do it for me. I recently broke my back in a tractor accident, I won't be doing any crawling under my car for installs any time soon.
This is probably a "DUH" question but, what kind of accessory vendors will I see at Hybridfest. Will I be able to preruse and or purchase the offerings of the Prius Chat Shop? I'd really like to examine certain items before I buy. Rod
Great question for those of us who have never been. It would be nice to know ahead of time - so I can be sure to pay all my bills before I leave.
Rod, Danny of PriusChat has not confirmed that he is coming to Hybridfest this year and I know that PriusChat will not have a booth at Hybridfest. I suppose other people might have their own Prius Chat items there if you want to check them out. Anything specific you want to see?
I'd like to see some floormats and compare the fit. Also a Scan Guage is on my shopping list but I'd like to see a demo. Rod
I have the OEM ALL Weather floor mats & a ScanGauge and I'll be at Hybridfest - and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Hey Wayne, It would be a great honor to have you install the block heater I've been carrying in the box for a year! I plan to display my U.S. Mail Carrier Prius in the car show on Saturday. Are you willing & able to help me then or do I need to come another day also? Timm
Timm I can get you done before or after the car show. I could do it at the car show before the public comes in, take 15 minutes tops, but Eric would need Evans attention and we can't have our host out of action. Wayne