Location: both front doors, at trailing edge of door (visible when you open the door and look at the edge of the door that faces the B pillar) Purpose: The grommet covers the access hole for a bolt that secures the door handle to the front door
Obviously, unknown to the OP, there are multiples of the same plastic grommet on this car. The OP didn't give any location hints, therefore it could be any of the above. ZC1
That's not what I pictured, though there is one on the other side. And it's not hard to see. Patrick Wong, you are correct. It is indeed the access cover (I'd hardly call it a grommet) for the door handle lock assembly. No need to look in wheel wells to see it. I think this particular configuration is unique to the front doors, though there are similar covers on the rear doors and maybe in other locations. ZC1, you are the Original Poster. Both of my puzzles have been in plain sight. Over to you, Patrick...
It's still in the rules as laid down by the OP... I'm just a chump. I post pictures of Prius parts we've all seen, nothing weird, nothing that has to be disassembled. I just remove the context. If you noticed, I masked out all the background around the cover. It looks like a white background in the first post, if you click it the background goes to black, if you click it again you see it in a new window with a white background. It's a circular image with a clear background. Yes, I do have an interest in steganography.
Too easy Windscreen wiper motor cover. Right side (in US models) of fire wall under the black cover across the back of the engine bay. I can see the VIN number in the background.
I have a feeling this will go quick. I need the exact location for this round otherwise it is just too easy. By patsparks at 2008-07-05
WHAT: The Electric Vehicle mode switch. WHERE: Not installed in North American Prius. ALT WHERE: Installed in the three-switch location cluster next to the steering wheel.
Well yes, the first "where" is correct but this is a global forum. In Australia there are no HID headlights so I was out in the cold there too. You have the "what" so the "where" might be a search on line away. Am I giving too much away?
OK, I know I'm right this time! WHAT: The Electric Vehicle mode switch. WHERE: Installed in PatSparks Prius. I can tell you where you got your socks, too! On your feet!
Just a little more specific, you are on the right track. I only posted this as an opportunity to tease the septic tanks because you don't have the EV switch there as a standard fitment. Hahaha I missed that last line hahaha.
Well, on your Prius it is to the right of the steering wheel between the column and the Start button.
Yes, but.... Your going to hate me Bill, all in one post. I'm a hard bastard, how would you like to come across me on the road when I'm working? I can't do it to you Bill, you worked hard for it. You're up Bill.
Hey Pat you're too too easy on old Bill. It isn't on the right of the steering wheel, its on the LEFT and its the nearest switch to the steering column in the bank that Bill mentioned.... you going all soft on these fellas now ?
Not in my Prius. Like all Australian Prius from 2004 on, the EV button is between the key fob port in the dash and the power button on the right side of the steering column. This is very convenient as it allows me to insert the fob, hit the power button then push the EV button before I back out of my driveway all with the right hand. The only way I was being soft was allowing Bill to take the win even though he didn't have the correct location and purpose in the one post however it was clear to me he knew the right answer.