Does anyone have a red with striping? I think I'd like black on my new barcelona red since there's so much black trim, but my husband thinks gold or silver would be better. I'm sure he's not right! I'd love to be able to see some pics if anyone has striped their red prius so I can get some ideas how it will look.
I was thinking white for mine. Just cant find anyone in Conway to put them on. I have 5 thumbs when it comes to stuff like this. Where in Ark are you?
Oh I saw one in Rison with the white and it looked really good. I'm in Monticello. My husband says he doesn't think white will be good but I've seen it and I know it does look good. I just thought since there's so much black on it already the black accent would be good too. Plan to put the window shields on that keep the rain off when you let the window down some, and they will be black. Just a thought. I think I will try to have the stripes painted though since so many ppl say the other stuff comes off or curls up.
Yoda came with a beige stripe --the color choice at first seemed odd, but we really like it. Other cars from the local dealer also have the beige stripe. The stripe follows the shape of the car and runs parallel to the back windows...I think it looks cool that way.