So after getting our first Prius (Pine Green) in late March 08 to replace our Volvo S-40 that got smashed in a crash, we took delivery 2 days ago of a second Prius (Gray Magnetic). I traded in my Mazda RX-8 for it. The cars look great parked next to each other in the garage. We are loving the Hybrid life.
I'm jealous. After we picked up our Prius in March, my wife said "Maybe someday we'll end up with two". That day probably won't come for 2 or 3 more years, but I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy.
Ha ha, I haven't even gotten mine yet and already my wife wants a second! I told her lets wait another year. That way, she can have mine and I'll get the next generation Prius!!
Hmm....we got our 1st Prius with trade-in our Toyota-Matrix last month. Eventhough we love MPG & built-quality on Prius ... we decide to wait for the next waves Plug-in or EV to emerge before getting back our 2nd car. In the meantime, I will take advantage of the Transit-system.
You'll love it. We bought one in 2005 and put 70k miles on it and then a 2007. We had a van and a convertible and sometimes miss them but the two prius have so many pros they're clear winners. I retired in 1996 and love to travel. Good luck Twofer
i am waiting on mine to come in hopefully by middle of next week and then the other one should be here the end of july. we will be a 2 pri family also. congrats on the 2nd.
We became a 2 Pri family as well on June 16 and were loving every minute of it. We got our first one a magnetic grey last august and second time around decided on an option 6 touring.