So I recently found that the "Approved" XM radio solution has been released for the Prius. I waited and waited, and would email my dealership in order to ask when it would indeed be available. A few weeks ago they finally did come back to me reporting that it was indeed available! It was XM only, no Sirius. While I was waiting for my dealer to get back to me with exact numbers, hours, costs, etc, I did a little research on XM. I did some checking to compare what stations XM would get compared to Sirius, so I wouldn't have any kind of regrets of loss of not getting channels I might be interested, or something to that effect. Then much to my surprise as I awaited my response, I came across a little tidbit article that the CEO of XM Sold 99% of his stock in the company. The very same day I was looking INTO getting the XM Installed! Needless to say, I opt'd to hold off for the time being.. no sense in getting invested into a company at that point when I'm not even sure of how the stability of the company would lead going forward. Instead, I opt'd to do something suggested by a friend of mine some time ago. I went the route of hooking up my phone (Treo 700W) via the Audio/Aux cable and listening to Internet Radio broadcasts. So, not only could I listen to a majority of the stations XM/Sirius had available, I'd be able to do it for "Free" and also have thousands instead of 120 options of radio listening choices! Internet Radio all the way!
Re: XM, Satellite Radio vs Internet Radio! Just bought a 2008 prius Red, Red, Red. package 6 to get the right color of upholstery. I love XM Satellite Radio, but I've never subscribed. I'm a mac user and they really don't support mac laptop use. I'm trying to figure out how to get XM installed in the Prius. I've heard at Fry's Palo Alto that Serius and XM are merging sometime in the future. I like XM because it offers lots of classical music options. Many of those options are available for free on AOL right now, and have been on AOL for some time. So I don't know whether to get XM hooked up on the new toy. Neither Serius nor XM have been financially solvent as yet, but the same could be said of Amazon for several years. Satellite radio is still a great idea. People who drive a lot across country love it.
Re: XM, Satellite Radio vs Internet Radio! Lots of options for XM: Dealer (likely the most expensive), VAIS Technology (what I have), DICE (I think), Factory Interactive, Coastal Tech (buyer beware -- lousy customer service from most accounts) ... probably more. I suggest spending some time with the search function and reading up to educate yourself. XM and Sirius have agreed to a merger, but it hasn't passed anti-trust muster with the feds yet.
Re: XM, Satellite Radio vs Internet Radio! Yes. Just buy the application SELECTRADIO for your Windows Mobile 5 (or newer) smartphone. It does the best job with internet radio on your smartphone (aka cellphone).