I wanted to ask how we would know it was you but I guess you'll be the one waving from his Prius. No one else should start the wave or I will get confused...
When I first got Fiona, I waved at every one I saw (and a few waved back). Now that Prius are more numerous, I guess the riffraff has joined the party because no one waves . So I don't wave, but if I pull up next to one at a light, I'll try to make eye contact & wave. I also approach owners in parking lots (if they don't look too scary).
I would nod and wave myself, but around here no one ever even looks! When I was waiting for mine, I noticed every Prius on the road. But these schmucks around here are too self-absorbed to even notice anyone else. I guess they got theirs when all you had to do was walk into a dealership and walk out with one. They don't appreciate all the suffering we new owners have had to go thru!
I am in Indianapolis and I am still waiting to get my prius (ordered may 3rd and I should get it by the end of this month!!!!!!! ) and right now I practice wave to all the prius I see I wave put so that no one can see like under the dash ...but trust me when I do get my prius (a Barcelona red one) on the north west side/ Zionsville area it will be me and I will give you a HUGE wave:wave::wave::wave:
I have the same problem as FrankZ--no one looks! Most of the time they are zipping by in the far right hand lane (??) or so focused ahead they don't notice anyone waving. Most of the traffic I'm in daily allows for plenty of time to look around! I usually go for the "head nod" or "thumbs up".:wave:
omg i have been doing this since october when we got our 06.... guess how many waves i have gotten??? 2!!!!! Wth!!! there are like 10 or so prii in this city and noone waves, how come this works for wranglers?
I was complaining about that too.... i'm even happy with a smile in return.....even a nod will do!! :roll::roll::roll:
Not to worry! I'll wave at you. I might even honk too. PS: And don't listen to patsparks. He's a troublemaker.
Good rule, now try and get someone to wave at you! It seems like every time I see another Prius, they are talking on their phones or zipping past me. Oh well. I did have a couple of waves--especially with identical white Prii to mine. If you wave, I will wave back. Maybe that "V" wave will catch on?! We do need a Prius or a hybrid wave! Prius Prime
Its a proven fact that most insane people are unable to help themselves. You might find your way out with large amounts of therapy, but your therapist probably drives a Prius...
I thought it was supposed to be a thumbs up... Should one wave one's thumb around? That doesn't mean anything bad, does it? Seriously, my husband has a jeep wrangler and I have noted that with the straight up windshield, it is much easier to see into the other wrangler (and see the drivers gesture) than it is with the slanted, curved windshield of the Prius. There is a possibility that the other Prius driver can't see your wave past the reflections.