I just wanted to share how easy the XM installation was. I was so terrified of breaking up my car to install something that I didn't think I understood. I decided to go through Jon at Priusxm.com becuase he sold an installation DVD. That DVD was incredible. It was so amazing to be able to watch a few steps and then do them myself. It made it so easy to see what I was supposed to do, see how he did it, hear what it was supposed to sound like etc. I am a very small woman of 5 feet and I think I had the advantage of having small hands. It made some of the installation easier. It took me about 2.5 hours, start to finish in the cold Michigan air. If you are contemplating installing it but are scared, get the DVD. I am glad I did it and I have more of an appreciation for it because I did it! Sounds cheesy, but for someone who knows nothing about cars or car stereos this feels like quite a victory!
Congrats! My XM radio kit just arrived (from PriusXM). I am having the same fears that you apparently had. I hope my install goes well, but, if after watching the DVD I still feel apprehensive, I will take it to a professional installer.
I just installed XM over the weekend based upon Eddie Bell's detailed documentation. I had no problems, but I was very careful and the total time was about 4.5Hrs. Two tools that helped me were: 1. Pampered Chef plastic pot scraper (for removing the vents) and; 2. A 2' flexible pick-up tool for fishing the wire through the B-Pillar etc. While I'm sure the DVD is useful, it can be done with just the printed install documentation. The hardest part was removing the first vent....
Yes, I agree. There were some helpful tools. 1. electrical tape 2. 10 mm socket with extension 3. wire coat hanger I read Eddie's instructions, but I was too scared to try it just with those, the DVD was my saving grace. You can do it! Good luck!
Thanks ms, This makes me feel more comfortable. I purchased mine from Jon, so I;ve got the DVD. I also downloaded Eddie's instructions. I've had the fear of breaking somethin', too. I'll be adding XM this weekend, in addition to an amp and replacing the six speakers and speaker wires. I think it's gonna be a long weekend.... Cheers, -bob
Well, let me give you one warning though... and since I am an honest person, I will tell you this and make you laugh (and everyone else who reads this). I installed the XM last night... I am in Michigan. By the time the sun was setting it was getting really cold. So, I kept thinking, I am almost done, I want to get this done tonight. For one of the last steps you have to work in the trunk. Being as smart as I am, I decided to just pull the lid shut a little to keep out the wind. Well, you know what's coming. I was sitting on the spare working when the wind pushed the trunk closed, so I find myself home alone stuck in the trunk. I know there must be a way to open it from the inside, but of course the manual is in the glove box. So, smart as I am again, I decide, I am 5 feet tall, I'll just go over the seats. Well, a smart person would lay the seats down. Nope not me. I try to wedge myself over the headrests and get stuck. So now I am home alone lodged between the roof and the head rests. And the seats fold forward, so with me lodged there, I can't put either seat down. So, I shimmed over to one side, got the seat down, got out of the car and finished the installation. So, some advice, don't lock yourself in the trunk. And yes, I am a natural blond.
I will try and remember not to sit in the rear next time. The guys at the shop would have fun with that :lol:
mswhealer, THAT is one for the books (or at least the forum!). I installed my XM radio yesterday (from priusXM). I viewed the video twice, took all things apart, installed then put all things back together only when the install was done. Excluding the time needed to watch the DVD, it took about an hour. \ If I can do it, ANYONE can!!!
ms, Yep, that was easy! 20 minutes to rip the whole dashboard apart... I impressed my friends (or maybe, they thought I was nuts) to have them come by and see the car in so many pieces. Cheers, -bob