If by "cab over," you mean a two story home, then yes, that's precisely what I'm going to build. As to why I gave up my room, well, I wasn't using it very often anyway. I have a major problem with getting too hot when I sleep, and the bed that I have, has two rubber air bladders in them, so you can custom select the firmness of the mattress - very comfy, but very hot. I'd often end up on the couch anyway just so I could sleep. I've since fixed this problem, and don't want to do this anymore. However, the layout of my house is such, that the guest room is so small, that you have to walk sideways around a "full" size bed. It's unacceptable for anything more than one person. While at ~1600 square feet, the space is so inefficient, that the only room I really live in, is the living room. The house I'm wanting to build (all is contingent on me selling this place), is approximately 2650 square feet, and I'll be able to set up an awesome guest room for family, as well as a theater, office, network the entire place, have a 3 car garage for the cars and bikes, and even host larger gatherings. BTW, I don't just "give up" that room for anyone. If anybody else stays over, they get the tiny room or the couch. But that's just the way I do things for my family. As I've said, I'm not married. If I were, then all bets would be off.
I would say more of a 1.5 story house. They're becoming quite popular here. Parents can escape to the privacy of their master suite. Oh boy have you got that right. I read some of these horror stories of marriage and get down and kiss the floor that I'm single.
I'm sure my cat would pick up on it in a flash - she's a smart whippersnapper - but I'm not patient enough. Maybe someday when I'm either married or living alone again. My current roommate already thinks I'm a bit nutty; a litter-filled bowl in the toilet might drive her over the edge.
Here is an example of a "cab over" home: http://www.randallhomes.net/rm2/listings/l0010.html Getting back to environmentally friendly kitty litter, anybody think the silica stuff is ok?
First--yes, the wheat and corn-based litters work with the automated litter pans. That's what I have. I think maybe the conr-based litter worked better than the wheat one, which is why I like it better? Second--(not that I do it)--but you have me confused about why you shouldn't flush cat litter. You're flushing it the same place human waste goes, no? And we like to think the system is controlled so we're not contaminating the water. Or is there something particularly nasty about cat waste as opposed to human waste? I've heard these kits are useless because the cardboard support-thingy they give you isn't strong enough to hold the weight of the cat. There are extensive websites on how to toilet train your cat--just do a google search. My boyfriend really wanted to train our cats to use the toilet, but it seems like too much of a hassle. The one thing I've heard to be careful of is teaching your cats to flush--there was someone who did this, and the cats liked to watch the water go down the toilet when it flushed that they were always flushing the toilet and the water bill skyrocketed. This is what would happen if we taught our one cat to flush (another strange, water-loving cat).
I think it's because the clay used in regular clumping kitty litter will plug solid the sewer pipe. If you have a septic system, it will also plug that too. Unless the litter states it is safe to flush, never flush regular used cat litter.
Ah... I see. I know you're never supposed to flush clay litter. One of the environmentally-friendly things the corn and wheat-based litters tout is that they're flushable. I guess I just assumed we were talking about the corn and wheat-based litters when the original comment was made. It is Monday morning, after all.
Neat looking floorplan, thanx. The floorplan that I'm building can be found at www.historymakerhomes.com Click on the 2650, and select 2651 if you can (page won't load here at work).
The 2651 basically swaps the family room and the kitchen. You gain a large pantry, and eliminate the walled off dining room. It opens up the bottom floor tremendously. I can hardly wait for my place to sell, so that they can get started. :mrgreen:
I don't even flush Swheat Scoop. I did a couple times, and the toilet got clogged up. It sure would be nice not to have to cart bags out to the dumpster in winter, but I'd rather that than unglog the pipes every other week. And...training your cat to flush? Now that's new to me...
Ugh, that must have been fun. Never mind that, how about training your cat to *not* flush. If most cats are anything like mine, the little bugger would hit the flush handle every 10 seconds just to amuse himself. I imagine after an hour or two, a volcano of raw sewage would suddenly gush out of the toilet and make the condo collapse like a controlled implosion. And my cat would be sitting on top of the rubble with his "what? I didn't do anything!" look.