Well, what can I say. Sold my 07 Tundra, averaging 15 mpg and bought a Prius. Got mine in about 4 weeks. Pretty lucky I guess but I was pretty flexible on the color and options. Got white with package #2. Haven't went by to pick it up yet but I'm looking forward to the extra 30 mpg. Was going broke driving the big truck and looking forward to having extra cash in my pocket. One big question I have is entering and exiting a steep drive way. Anyone have any comments on that? Should it be avoided at all costs or can you drive into the drive way at an angle? Any advice will be well appreciated. I understand that they have rather low clearance. This will take some getting used to since I am used to a big 4X4.
I have a somewhat steep driveway, I usually just take it slow and go at an angle and I don't have a problem.
I love it!!!!! Boy does it draw attention. I thought this was funny, so let me share a story with you. My son asked me to beep the horn on the way home, so I did. He asked me if I heard what the car said??? I said what do you mean. He said instead of going beep beep, the car is saying "GEEK GEEK". Man, its bad when your 8 yr old is giving me crap...
If you enter your steep driveway straight on, you may scrap the lower air dam in the front of the engine compartment. As wchardin recommends, entering at an angle and going slow should get you thru the critical angle section of paving w/o scrapping the air dam.
I too shall soon take ownership of an '08 Super White! Pkg. #2. I am supposed to find out what my VIN is this Thursday or Saturday..eeeee! And I'll be completely okay with my geek beep! Congrats on taking ownership of yours~
Congrats on getting your new "Toy"! Got mine 2 weeks ago. (Magnetic Gray package 2) Lovin every minute of it!:car: Only gassed up once so far, but driving 350 miles than putting only 7 1/2 gallons in is pretty cool!