Chicago Sun Times: Prius gets rivals

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by orracle, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    It's called "Tall poppy syndrome" Any poppy that stands taller than the rest gets the top knocked off with a stick.

    Knocking the tall poppies down is embedded in some cultures.

    Then there is the herd mentality, where you must join in with the group. Prius is popular but it is still a minority vehicle, most drivers drive ICE vehicles. Only people who know anything about Prius will disagree with this fool, but if he said Prius was a great car then only Prius lovers will agree. He is playing safe among his readers.
  2. orracle

    orracle Whaddaya mean "senior" member?

    May 24, 2007
    Gurnee, IL
    2013 Prius
    For those who are interested, I wrote Mr. Jedlicka and he responded.


    Dan, I often read your columns but today I was amazed. You could not be more wrong in your view of the Prius as "boring"

    You likely only test drove one. I have been driving one for over a year. It is more fun than my '69 Mustang or my Triumph Spitfire from the late 70's.

    The acceleration is just fine for Chicago area driving. I am regularly on 294 and have been into the cities of Milwaukee and Chicago and have had no issue with getting anywhere quickly when needed.

    I have also had no issues that really required Toyota mechanics, other than the suggested maintenance and even that has been spaced out for more than the 5,000 miles intervals.

    But boring? That's where you are really off base. I have never had a car so interesting to drive. the Multi Function Display (MFD) is a constant source of feedback and challenge. Every ride is different and for those of us who enjoy the technology, there isn't a car that can come close to comparing. Oh, and my family of 4 adults fits just fine.

    I've been driving for 40 years. I am not familiar with the BMW's, Mercedes', Jaguars etc that auto writers so love. Even if I had the money, there are more things that are important that going from 0 to whatever in a flash or impressing the neighbors. Good mileage is one and helping keep the environment cleaner for the future generations is more than worth any "comparison differential" for the extra cost.

    His response:
    [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]Thanks for your note, but the 1969 Mustang (I owned a ‘68) and Spitfire were hardly “fun to drive†cars, with awful handling, poor brakes, etc. You wouldn’t want one today. Trouble is, most people have never driven anything but “transportation†cars and have no frame of reference. I’ve tested three a week, for years. Toyota designed the Prius to primarily to be a “transportation†car, and the Japanese have gotten rich selling such autos to Americans, who don’t know any better. I drove one of the first Prius models in the country and several since then. Let’s glance at what Consumer Guide says (in part) about the Prius: “Soft suspension and fairly skinny, economy based tires allow marked cornering lean and noseplow.†My classic 1969 four-cylinder Porsche only has about 115 horsepower, but also sharp steering, braking, handling, etc. It’s not a 0-60 mph car but still is fun to drive.

    I just added--guess your idea of fun and mine are WAY different.

  3. MaxLegroom

    MaxLegroom Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2007
    Newport News, VA
    2005 Prius
    As I understand it, the Renault Fuego remained on sale in the U.S. through the '86 model year, continued a while overseas, still being built in Argentina until 1992. I bought a '84 Turbo on the cheap, decided to try fixing what was wrong with it. While I could probably have done so today, back then it was beyond my abilities. I could not get the fuel injection straightened out. It is a real shame, as it was one of the nicest driving cars I've ever laid hands on for the brief distance I ever got to drive it.

    As for the Prius, it does not deliver driving pleasure in the traditional sense of the word. I find the steering as communicative as the Atari Pole Position arcade game. It may scoot off the line very well, but there's little wrath to it beyond that. These things are, IMO, just fine. If I'd been insistent on that sort of pleasure, I'd had cars on the list that would have delivered those pleasures in spades. I decided I liked the high-tech experience the Prius does deliver enough to buy the used one I have. Its best performance attribute doesn't especially require abnormal risk to life and limb to enjoy to its fullest. I'm fine with that. The car I was most likely to buy otherwise, a '05 Pontiac GTO, was able to reach 60 in about 4 seconds. As things were at the time, I'd have had my drivers license, and likely the car, for about two weeks. Second on the list would have been a compromise, if the best compromise, and the car I wanted would have taken a bit of time to get from another dealer, but I feel so at home in the current VW Passat.

    In time, I've learned to mellow out a bit. What I've learned in driving the Prius helps me get better mileage out of other cars, as well. I've had an opportunity to drive a BMW 535xi wagon from Pensacola to Mobile, and got 23 mpg with it. A recent drive in a Acura TSX (the new one) yielded 33 mpg.

    So if it's not as thrilling as many cars are, so what? Sometimes, often, actually, it's nice to just sit in the quiet, and enjoy gliding along with the Prius.
  4. PriusSport

    PriusSport senior member

    May 20, 2008
    SE PA
    2013 Prius
    The Prius has surprising acceleration because of the huge electrical torque (295 ft lbs) at low rpm. To get that kind of a boost with an ICE, you have to get to high rpms fast. That means step on the gas. The gearless CVT also helps compared to a normal auto. I took my first test drive with a salesman who told me the Prius compares more with a 6 than a 4. And I'm coming out of a stick shift 6 cyl.sports car, which wasn't much quicker in normal driving around town unless I kicked those rpms up above 3K and burned some gas.

    The funny thing is, the more you drive the Prius, the slower you want to go--as you relax and enjoy the quiet, comfortable ride, and watch the mpg readout--trying to maximize mpg. It's really a different experience.
  5. zeorai

    zeorai New Member

    Dec 13, 2006
    Personally I really find that auto writers seem to know very little. His response basically demonstrates why he recommended something like the Fuego. He drives 2 or 3 a week. He doesn't have to live with them, just drive them for a couple of hours. Some of the writers can't even drive stick very well. They hoot and holler for anything $80k and up or that's a performance car. But, the top selling cars are the Camry and the Accord, cars that get reviews that equate to "she/he has a nice personality."

    Yeah the suspension setup in a Prius might be soft, but it's not like you can't change that.
  6. ctbering

    ctbering Rambling Man

    Jun 6, 2008
    Chicago Illinois
    2008 Prius
  7. ctbering

    ctbering Rambling Man

    Jun 6, 2008
    Chicago Illinois
    2008 Prius
    For those who never experienced a Renault; the car is stylish especially the Fuego, and the seats are the most comfortable of any auto manufacturer, bar none. Also, the dashboard layout was impressive. If I ever want a car to just sit in and not drive....Renault is the car to buy, otherwise I recommend Toyota, but only if you want the car to move!