We are a two Prius family. My wife has an 07 and I recently purchased and 08. Well the 07 was used and had 9000 miles on it when we took it home. The 08 was brand new. I noticed that her 07 got better MPG over my 08, but I assumed it was because I am on the highway 50% of the time and she is back and forth from the kids school. I also noticed that her battery seemed to have more UMPH, (I am sure that it is watts ot amps or something techincal, but UMPH is the best that I can come up with) when we pull of from a red light in her car. Well last week after passsing 5000 miles (yes I put 5000 miles in 2 months), the cars MPG shot up from 44MPG to 48MPG and it is still climbing. My habits have not changed, the gas has not changed the car has not been in the shop, so nothing changed. Also the UMPH at red lights is more like her car. I am guessing that the first 5000 miles might be a break in period that is regulated by the car's comptuer on the battery? Is that possible? Anyone expreience the same?
I also experienced that, but at the time chalked it up to experience driving and a wheel alignment in the vicinity of 3700 miles.
I have read in several forums that the Prius has a break in period of several thousand miles where the mpg goes through stages of improvement. As was also stated, the longer you drive the Prius the more techniques you learn to improve the overall mpg.
PAULEKNIGHT - yeppers. what you have experienced is a prius, hybrid phenomenon! actually, it's just a break in process. i heard that at 10,000 miles, a secondary wind kicks in and our motors get even better! i can't wait!
I have read lots of people talking abuot the breakin period of the car and of the driver, BUT since we had another Prius before this one, it does not make sense that it would be me. Also I have not had the 5K mile service done yet. I am at 5,600 miles and am going to bring the car in next week. Also the increase in MPG was drastic at exactly 5K miles, it only made since that the MPG increase was due to a comptuer thing and NOT a "break-in" thing. Amyone have anything similar happen?
I had been hovering around 51.8 mpg.... these last two tanks, since I hit 4500 miles, I've been averaging 54, and I haven't changed a thing, other than using the AC even more, higher blast.
i had gains around 5k.. 10k and 15k.. but was using my car as a delivery car and no longer have to drive that mild... otherwise i was getting 50+ delivering cookies... after 15k. around 48 for 10k.. and a tad less for 5k.
I have about 25k miles and the car is running much smoother and with more power. Also, I use high octane gas. The Prius engine has a high compression ratio, which requires higher octane of fuel. By doing so, I actually get an extra 100 miles or so per tank.
In a Prius anything above 87 octane is wasted money, for this reason: the variable valve timing makes the *expansion* ratio about 13:1, but the *compression* ratio is about 10:1. Stop making Exxon and pals richer.
High octane gas will not increase mileage and in some cases may cause a reduction in mileage. This is a common misconception, but still a misconception. High octane gas would offer an advantage only if the Prius engine was designed to take advantage of it, which it is not. Tom