If I were to sell my blue prius, would it actually be worth more then the common prius colors? I know the common colors are black, white, and gray. I see on craiglist and ebay, and that's pretty much all they sell. of course with a few exceptions.
I am not sure why people think color is a big deal when it comes to a prius. Was it geographic region reasons that some colors simply did not get to certain parts of the US? Here in NH, every color is seen daily. Blue is just as common as silver pine mica and etc... If i had to guess which color I see the most it would be the reds and SPM.
Some Prius owners take a lot of pride with owning one. When it comes to selecting a vehicle, the color is on my top three list.
Most ppl are affected by colors and don't realize that fact. For me reds and burgundy are happy colors. I was offered a blue prius a month ago and turned it down to wait for the red because silver, gray, green, and blue make me feel sad and old. My husband on the other hand would prefer the blue. Good thing everybody is different! My son sees those as sophisticated colors and he's 22. So I'm inclined to believe it's all in the head. BTW does anyone know the year the burgundy was offered. There's one in my town and I think it's beautiful. I live in a town of about 15,000 and there is a blue, burgundy, beige, and soon to be barcelona red about this time tomorrow.
I've got the Spectra Blue and love it! I drive all over Central Florida and in the past 6 months, I've only seen 2 others in Blue... and neither was a touring edition. I'm sure that'll change, but for now it's pretty cool having something that is a little more unique. Ultimately, regardless of it's color, it's a Prius and it ROCKS!!!:heh:
Well considering white is the most popular color on cars in america, i'd have to say white. but i love my silver metallic!
and neither was a touring edition. :heh:[/quote] i'm sure i could find this somewhere but how can you tell a touring from the regular ones? is there some emblem? mine is going to be touring, but i couldn't see the difference by looking at the pictures.
Have not thought about it. Now looking at all the colors I come the conclusion that red is the brightest, most colorful, pleasing, nicest color out there. Again I really have no personal preference.
The only way to easily tell is the wheels, which are different. The rear spoiler is also larger on the touring but not very noticeable. I think the only color that might have added value would be Spectra Blue since it was new for '08. There is one around the corner from my house that I run by every night. If I were to order a new one that would be my first choice. Just a beautiful color.
Most sought after color....uhh, whichever one you can get the quickest??? Mine was Silver Pine Mica (which I do love profusely).
i think hands down the hardest color to get in a prius would be spectra blue and then silver pine mica. the easiest color would be silver and then magnetic gray.
I love the Red, because that's what we have now, but when its time to replace my Infiniti I think I want either the spectra blue or the Mag grey.