I've harvested some of Atilla's research and tried to XGauge-ify it. I know a few of them work, but haven't tested them all. There are 16 new ones available to play with. The ones that look like gauges you already have are either at faster refresh rates or greater resolution. GForce to Right GForce to Back Stearing Brake Pedal Position Battery Current Kilometers per Hour Miles per Hour Gas Pedal Position State of Charge Battery Temp (upper read) Battery Temp (lower read) Battery Voltage Ignition degrees before TDC EV Button Status Engine Coolant Temp Gas Gauge Attached are the codes.... I've got threads on this going elsewhere, so my apologies if I don't post back too regularly. 11011011
This seems a good place to ask a question I've been wanting to ask. Is there a way to modify the Cost per Mile gauge to make it an average of total miles rather than instant.
Thanks for sharing! A couple of questions: 1) What does untested refer to? No one has confirmed that these work on a Prius yet? 2) How does a "passive CAN request" differ from other codes? I take it from the note at the bottom that Battery Current and SOC can be displayed at the same time only if one or both of them are passive requests. Does passive mean that they don't update in real time?
OK.. first commute in with the new gauges and I'm a believer. The gauges I was watching was "gas" (TXD: 05AC) which was pretty cool to watch at flashing pip. The SG "gas" gauge will give you the % full of your tank given in 2.5% increments. Pip flashes at 12.5% full, so I'll see what happens wen I get to 5.0% full. Next gauge I watched was "gps" (TXD: 024C). This will give you the real gas pedal position (in 0.5% increments) as % of "floored". Points of interest... the dead band glide is at 7.0% gps. I usually pulse at about 30.5% gps. The speed gauge is cool as well, "kph/mph" (TXD: 00BC). This shows speed down to a hundredth of the mph or kph (xx.xx). Neat, but noisy. I could clip off the last 4 bits and and that should filter out a lot of the noise. It's kinda cool to have a decimal point on speed though. Also found out that on the Prius, Speed is always rounded up (10.0 kph = 10kph; 10.1 kph = 11kph). Moving from the "published" gauges to some of these is useful as well. The current published SG gauges conflict with each other. But using the SG published "BTA" (TXD:07E321CE) gauge, and my "soc" (TXD:03C3) can be displayed at the same time. Other interesting gauges are "evb" (TXD:0521) which shows "ON/OFF" depending on whether you hit the EV button. Coolant Temp "wtc/Wth" is nice since it's in increments of 0.5 degrees, so you get greater granularity. Also all these new gauges are instantaneous. No delay. That's helpful when your chasing the normal SG 1-2 second delay. I may add RPM so I can get realtime data on that instead of suffering through the lag. Untested means that they haven't been tested yet. I've since tested some of them, and most of them work. I've updated the discussion thread mentioned in the excel file. Passive means that the SG doesn't initiate the data transaction but instead simply listens for the data that other ECU's are chattering to each other. The "normal" SG gauges poll every 1000-1500 ms for data. So your data on most gauges is 1100-1600 ms old (assuming 100ms latency). The passive gauges get new data (in some cases) every 10 ms. So they are easily 10 times more "current" than the normal gauges. Refresh rate was the main reason I started looking at this stuff. 11011011
Thanks for working on this, Dan. I've tried a little under half, and seen some of the things you've been discussing on the mpg forum. I'll not duplicate those observations, but add ones I don't recognize as having been made there.. It seems that the flicker, and even having anything displayed at all, depends not only on the coding for the parameter in question, but, at least in some cases, on the coding of the other three parameters selected for current display. That makes it a little hard to diagnose, yes? The "German" catalyst temperatures looked plausible, as did the air mass flow from that source, though I can't vouch for values, they had various attributes of the behavior one would expect. However the MG2 torque was in frantic flicker, and the values under the flicker did not make obvious sense. (but possibly another selected parameter was interfering with it). The "ign" parameter displayed a value. Comparing it with the stock "IGN" parameter for spark advance left me believing the units and range scaling were very different, and not even sure they were correlated. The "gas" parameter you posted displayed smoothly, but actually climbed. There were hills on my route, and I speculate that the displayed reading may lack heavy smoothing, and may thus have stronger hill effect evident than the "pips". I hope you find an answer for a traction battery temperature--I'd be specially interested to see that, and suspect it might help resolve some of the mysteries such as maximum regenerative braking current.
I've tried three different codes, none worked for me. Steering position, Battery Temp Upper Battery Voltage (the new one) This is on very new 2008 Touring US version. The old SOC and BTA codes work fine for me, the old BTV has never worked. Anyone else get these working?
[post="659636"]Fixed battery temp[/post]. Steering position only works on the '06 (as far as I can tell - TheForce verified). Any gauge that has the same TXD another gauge can not be displayed on the same screen (I think). Some of the "new" gauges (bta) have signed / unsigned arithmetic problems. Check the new excel file with the corrected values. Also look at the "tested" column to figure out if I've actually seen the gauge work. 11011011