Ok, so I guess I owe Darrell. After all, he showed me how to strip naked...the Prius wheels that is...so.... Sorry, but just did a quick edit and removed the photo of me at the beach, decided none of you needed to be punished in that way....besides my husband would kill me if he saw it.:nono:
OK, OK - pretty kitties . . . but, how about some vital statistics about your cats . . . like their aspect ratios.
Her name is "Big P.... " I am not sure I can say that on the site. She keeps the mice and other dogs and cats away. She loves chickens!
OK, I get it. You are in fact one of the little, little, little people - aren't you. Either that or it was a steroid/radiation experiment gone way bad.
Wow, Perry, what have you been feeding that thing? Or is that what you meant by 'She loves chickens'? That's gotta be the biggest domestic cat I've ever seen. Unless your wife's only a metre tall.
Do you have more pics of your cat??, I am sure I have seen this exact picture somewhere else on the web before????
Doc has an aspect ratio of 2.68:1. BooBoo has an aspect ratio of 1.49:1, hence a *very* large interior volume Haven't tried Cat Yodeling yet, I'd probably have to wear a face shield to protect myself. I have tried Corperal Cuddling but they seem to think I'm rewarding them for bad behavior