I saw blue Prius on the street that I thought was nice. Can someone confirm that this is Seaside Blue Pearl as opposed to Spectra Blue Mica? It seems so to me, but it's a bit hard to tell from the Toyota website. Trying to figure which preference to list with the dealer.
You are correct. The Spectra Blue is darker (like mine in my signature pic) and imho better, but both blues are good.
Yep, that's it. I see it every week on Showtime's Weeds and every day when I drive mine. I think I might like the Spectra Blue Mica better, but I've never seen one. One salesman told me they don't ship them into the Midwest, but I'm not sure that's true The Seaside Blue Pearl looks different in various lights. If you'll look at my thumbnail picture, you might take it for the Spectra Blue. It just looks darker in the late afternoon winter sun.
Thanks all - I've listed it as my #2 color preference after the gray metallic but before the classic silver
I will say that I think that Spectra Blue Mica photographs better than our Seaside Pearls do. Our color seems to wash out when you photograph it (OK, I know someone is going to post a picture to the opposite, just work with me here ). On the other hand the Spectra Blues photograph very well (go see the "Post Some Pictures" sticky, there's a really good photograph of the color there.) However, if you think Seaside changes appearance with the light, you should see what Spectras do. That color really reminds me of the color of my old jeep. No one could ever describe what color they thought it was because it never seemed to be the same color twice. Sort of a cool illusion. While I don't own a Spectra Blue, I've seen enough to know that the color perception can range from blue/black all the way through a very electric blue. I do think that having one CVC (continuously varying color) car in a lifetime is enough. After a while the "coolness" of having the car with a color no one can describe wears off and describing it as the "dark blue" one really gets old. Having said that, I still think that SBM Prii are really sharp looking, they're just not for me.
I saw the Seaside Blue Pearl for the first time the other day and absolutely love that color! Where I live it's not a common color (I see the Magnetic Gray, Barcelona Red and Classic Silver mostly). When I bought my Prius back in April I wanted the package #2 and the only one they had was the Magnetic Gray and that's how I ended up with it. I like it but not as much as the Seaside Blue Pearl!
I saw a Spectra Blue in person for the first time today! Unfortunately we were both on the road so I didn't get a very long look at it (I was stopped at an intersection when they went through). I wanted the Spectra Blue but I prefer tan interior to gray. So I went with Barcelona Red. The Spectra Blue is beautiful. I hate when car manufacturers only offer specific color combinations. I wish they simply had a list of interior colors and exterior colors and let you pick what you want, even if you have to factory order to get it. Oh well. I still love my Prius! :car:
Thanks - I'm trying to figure out whether to add Spectra Blue Mica to my list of color choices (frankly, the main reason I'm considering blue is because my current car happens to be blue, and my little twins are always talking about "daddy blue car,") I've yet to see it in person. In some photos it looks great, in others (including on the Toyota website) it seems to be kind of loud, even purply, and less elegant than the seaside. Basically, we're looking for classic, subdued colors rather than sporty or loud ones. That puts magnetic gray at the top of the list. We also have silver on there, which I think is nice but, frankly, overused to the point of being stale these days.
. . . then again, I'm not buying a Prius for aesthetic reasons - but I do like the looks of the car much more than many people seem to.
I am a fan of Weeds too, did you notice that the car changes from being a touring to a non-touring one. I guess they have a couple they use for filming. I was able to order a spectra blue from my midwest location, although I changed it to magnetic gray, and I love it.