Are you blind, Ozone? That doesn't even make sense? BTW, read his profile: Mycarbonfootprint Junior Member Join Date: Jun 2008 Posts: 13 My Car: 2008 Prius Package: #3 Touring
Zaxinc, please do not quote them. You're posts will have to be edited otherwise. When they are banned their posts go away too. It is best to just ignore them. It's pretty easy after awhile.
Good point. You had one poster who uses a homophobic term, his buddy who laughs at it and then tries to "insult" me by saying at "at least he doesn't drive a Prius" on a PRIUS forum. Some people have either been drinking, are extremely young, or are the dullest tools in the shed.
If the six dollar figure for gasoline happens quickly, there will be a whole lot of frozen people in my state. Most folks have to drive 15-30 miles to work and many are still paying off their heating bills from last winter. Those who might consider trading in their inefficient vehicles are finding the trade in price can be several thousand dollars less then anticipated which makes them "upside down" and unable to afford a more efficient vehicle. Add to the matrix the extremely limited mass transit options in rural areas, escalating food costs, escalating health insurance costs, and we may as well simply shoot ourselves in the foot.
Or god forbit they have to turn off their cable TV service, stop buying beer or cigarettes, or sell their boat or rid themselves of some other monthly bill that supplies them with something they really don't need.
Yea I know... Seems like every decade old trailer has a snowmobile out front, a flat screen television, and three kids who need shoes with 1 1/2 parents working minimum wage jobs. However Maine actually has a low average income and much higher than average tax obligation and that does contribute to our situation. You are correct in many of the "little joys" that are obviously optional suck up dollars that should have been spent on practical items. However when you are fishing in the kiddie pool those little expenditures are all these folks have to look forward to as music, art, and educational opportunities are not available in their area. There are no high paying jobs for people with a high school diploma and a decade of potato picking experience. These little things which appear so unnecessary and wasteful are what keep these folks somewhat sane. My state is so backwards sometimes... We despise gambling yet continually advertise our state lottery system. We despise smoking yet rely on cigarette tax revenue. We hate drunk driving yet do nothing to implement a real solution to the problem. We don't like oil and gas, yet we delay the implementation of wind farms because a few birds will get squished, we don't like hydo because a few fish might be inconvenienced...
I have not been there yet but my buddy lived there for a few years before coming back to California. He told of the same issues. He said the people are generally nice though. You seem to fit that nice stereotype.
Thanks for the compliment, however I still have my teeth so "fitting the stereotype" may be a few decades off...
Everyone here who wishes for $6, $7 or even higher gas prices be thankful that whether through your hard work or someone elses, the economic cest pool that America is falling into doesn't seem to effect YOU. And for every truck, SUV, boat, RV driving moron (your words) you see, there are 10 undereducated, hard working and down trodden human beings (including children) who are suffering NOW. In 4 months when winter hits, they will possibly be dying from a lack of heat. But hey, congrats! You own a Prius. You are doing your part to curb the global demand for fossil fuels. I commend you! And those under-educated, hard working and down trodden human beings suffering to stay warm and get to a job..any job?? Let them eat cake!
Care to provide a link showing this uncontrollable suffering? I could provide you with links that detail suffering caused by the extraction, transport, refining, and combustion of fossil fuel. Guess if our governmentwasn't spending trillions on a rediculous war we could have had these problems already solved no?
No, I can't provide a link. As far as the govenments waste of trillions for a useless war, I couldn't agree more. And come NOV, I'll do my best to change that (vote). But c'mon. I don't need a website to tell me that millions of people in this country didn't or couldn't plan ahead. And suffer they will. Some might only be inconvienced, some will be hungry and some won't heat their homes this winter. What do you know about heating a home in Sac, CA? You think a $30 increase filling the gas tank hurts, try an increase of $400/ month for heat. That is $1500-$2000 increase for a winter. But in the present, I try and remember that I'm fortunate to be able to weather this storm (for a while anyway). So, I'm not going to try and blind you with website links. I admit that there are people who still add to this problem. And yes they frustrate me too. But then I try and remember those other people who aren't as fortunate as you and I. So, for me, the question is this...who is a bigger problem? 1. Those who knowingly or unknowingly use more than their fair share (determined by who?) of fossil fuels and by which, drive up the price of gasoling, fuel oil ,natural gas etc for everyone or 2. Those who knowingly cheer, laugh or root for the increase in fuel costs so they can (IMHO) have the appearence of superiority over the suffering? Do all Prius owners fall into #2. NO! not even the majority (again, IMO). But, I for one, wouldn't be associated with either group. Just my$.02 and I'm off my soapbox.
I generally agree with you mate. I just like to keep things in perspective. Many anti-environmental groups try to use the "poor freezing people in the north" bit as a scare tactic to keep us drilling for oil or blasting apart mountains for coal. I've lived in eastern Oregon for a few years and while my coldest day there was -19deg F. I know that doesn't compare to some of the average temps in the northern midwest states. In my case my dad would have had seemed silly complaining about heating costs while ringing up yet another case of beer (he drank a 12-pack/day unless we were camping then it was a 24-case/day). Not having heat in the house is one thing, driving an old Scout without heating on a -2deg F day sucks! lol In all, I'm not cheering the rise in fuel prices but I am also not sorry to see it happen. We do need a shock. I just hope people provision themselves appropriately so they are not critically endangered.
Anyone who has seen pain or suffering should not wish that on anyone. I certainly don't. Some poor folks working for $10 or less have older cars because that's what they can afford. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could afford a new Prius to save gas? I'm sure they would think so too. The people who need the break the most are the least likely to get it. My wife makes a good income for Florida and I make a sort of almost decent hourly. ($13) But I also get some money monthly from the VA and they also pay for some of my Pain meds if I ask. I am lucky. I am blessed. I am aware that others are less fortunate. I don't want anyone to starve, freeze, or lose shelter due to the cost of fuel but it is happening. Who is to blame? We all are and some are paying a heavy price. From the German's prospective we are failing and going down. I noticed that he still is haunted by the legacy of Hitler though even now. Glass houses pal. It occours to me that some may be so angry about Prius drivers because they are stuck and don't have the option. It is a bad situation when you have little options to make your life better. I have been there too. I nearly died after the Air Force service because the VA wouldnt help me and I couldn't afford to help myself. It is a bad feeling to feel stuck. It makes you sad and angry and depressed. Sometimes it makes one angry. Many in this country have enough money for boats and skidoos and second houses and motorhomes and airplanes and etc but complain that the price of gas is killing them. Those folks can sell the offending objects and be ok. Those folks I do not sympathize with at all. It you just have to do 80 everywhere you go then you are not hurting or you are in denial.
I am not cheering higher gas prices. But we NEED them because otherwise nothing will change. The world is running out of oil and we gotta face up to that.
It is there money after all...they probably can afford to feed the H2 and still manage to work lots of OT for the month. I do have friends who has a 2nd job bartending or waiting tables at a popular restaurant - cash money pays for the gas. :faint:
In my lifetime or yours we are not running out of oil. There is oil a plenty in shale and all over the oceans. We *are* possibly running out of easy to get oil however. The price is going to have to keep high or no company or government will be willing to get the harder to get oil and move it. I firmly believe that $3 $4 or more per gallon gasoline and heating fuels will be with us for some time to come. The rest of the world already pays more for less.
It doesnt matter if the gas was free! Buying more than needed for transportation is wasteful and harms everyone. working a second job just so you can afford to drive a Hummer is foolish. working a second job so you can feed your kids is the more common theme.