Welcome back, Mirza. Yes, weddings are big business. Same-sex marriages are no different, and jurisdictions that recognise them are bound to attract business from places that don't.
Now that you mention it . . . no. Even though a gay friend of mine say, "all gay men are dogs" . . . or was it "pigs." [and 9/10 of the gay men reading that statement are now nodding their heads in agreement.] No, I am making the point that just because something "makes financial sense" does not make it right. Child porn makes financial sense to some. Strip mining in the middle of Yosemite Valley makes financial sense to some. Congressional pork barrel spending makes financial sense to some. Hummers make financial sense to some.
I'd like to offer a purely personal perspective on gay marriage. On Wednesday June 25th my long term partner of nearly 12 years were married at the Riverside County administrative offices in Indio CA. This gave the cash strapped county $108 dollars they would not have had if we did not have equal rights under the law. Photos: Our Gay Marriage: un álbum de Flickr
crotch rockets make financial sense to some. republican economics makes financial sense to the greedy.
:thumb::thumb:arty:arty::cheer2::cheer2: CONGRATS STEVE!!!!! This is my take on Gay Marriage,, this is NOT the public's business at all. We are all human beings and I am really sick of people thinking that someone else's personal life choice is any of their business. Gay people are NOT chasing anyone down and forcing them to be Gay or trying to convert them. Gay people are born that way and you cannot just turn Gay. Either you were Gay at birth and just tried to hide those feelings in fear of what your family and society would think so you went and got married and had kids and then decided to come out. If a Gay couple wants a legal partnership/marriage that is their business only and there is no reason that they should not have the same legal rights as anyone else. They are two human beings trying to live their life, be happy and enjoy this place we call earth before we all destroy it and blow it up to pieces one day. Gay people are NOT terrorists, they are not out to destroy the United States. They want to live their lives in private and go about their everyday business like the rest of us heterosexuals are. If some people got to really know Gay people they will quickly realize that they are just regular people.
Steve, Congradulations! We celebrate "Independence Day" and worship our Bill of Rights, but we need to remember that it took a long, long time to grant "equal rights under the law" to women, blacks and gays. Our Constitution and our "freedoms" are and should be constantly evolving.
Thanks Freshmtt and everyone else. I'm not surprised to see all of the warm and congratulatory messages here, since people who buy a Prius are pre-selected for being good at thinking. I really do appreciate it. All the better for having waited is true! I'm fairly old, and I have some health problems (genetic stuff, no viruses involved), so I never expected to live long enough to have this wonderful gift from my state government. Your reference to gays not being terrorists reminded me of Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern. She made the headlines a while back when an audio recording of an address she gave turned up on YouTube. She claims that gays are a greater threat to the USA than terr'ists. I did a wee bit of checking on Sally Kern, posted a YouTube video response, and then I discovered to my sheer delight that she had never taken the time to register an Internet domain using the formula {personal name}.com. I seem to have about 100 websites, so rolling out one more is not a big challenge. I took care of Sally's little oversight for her Sally Kern (dot) com