This clearly is a questions from a "technologically-challenged" individual. I've only had occasion to use my nav system a few times since I've owned my car. My wife and I are getting ready for a long road trip,w ith multiple destinations and I need help getting to where I'm going. Eureka! I can enter the street address on my nav system to get me there! Not so fast, Bill. Every time I try entering the street address, I have no problems entering the "house number" and "street name." Once the nav screen jumps over to the list of possible cities and I touch the appropriate one, I get stuck in a the screen then returns to the "house number/street name" screen. I can't seem to figure out how to get from there to actually activate have the system kick in to start guiding me. I've read the "quick guide" and have even tried reading the War and Peace-sized manual. I've also gone to: Toyota Navigation System For some reason, I just can't seem to move beyond where I get stuck in this loop. I imagine I'm missing something incredibly simple but I'll be dipped if I can figure out what it is. Help, anyone???
I bet you have the wrong region selected. When the first destination page comes up you should see a diagram of the region will be highlighted. If the place you're searching for is not in that highlighted area you won't get any hits.
For entering an address as a destination, try these steps: 1) Make sure you have selected the proper zone. If you have the zone set for the Eastern United States, you won't find your West Coast address. 2) Enter the city. 3) Enter the street. 4) Enter the number. The key is doing it in reverse order. Each piece of entered data filters what is available for the other fields. By starting with the city you limit the list of streets to only those in that city. Likewise with the street numbers. Another trick is being general with the search terms. Say you want to go to Sanbridge Circle, so you key in "Sanbridge Circle", and the nav system comes up empty. The database might note have that street in it with exactly that name. It could be "Sanbridge", "Sanbridge Cir", "Sanbridge C", or something similar. You want to use the generic name for all streets. In this case just put in "Sanbridge" and then pick the correct street from the list if there is more than one. This trick is especially useful when you have several roads with similar names, such as "park street", "park drive", and "park avenue". Stick with the root part of the name and use the list for the details. You will see the same thing with cities. Sometimes it might be "Kalamazoo" for your city, but perhaps the address you want is really in "Kalamazoo Township" or "Kalamazoo twsp". Start with general and work toward specific. Don't forget you can enter desinations in advance and save them in your My Destinations folder, or favorites, or whatever it is that Toyota calls that section - I think it's "My Places", but I'm not sure without looking. That way you don't have to horse around trying to enter them on the road. Tom
If all your inputs and/or selections of street #, name, city are correct and the system finds your destination, when it does a "target" over a map of the location shows up on the screen and you push the -Guide- button. If there is an error in your input, or the number/street/city don't match up the system should be giving you a message as such. Once you input the street# and name, on that screen is a "List" selection. push that to actually list and choose the street, which should lead to the proper city, select that, which should lead to the target location on the map, select -Guide- If this isn't happening, make sure you have also selected the proper "zone" or region of the US to be searching, that selection is on the upper right corner of the address page As stated above the very best way to input an address is to do it "backwards" from the way we think about it. Input "zone'', "city", "street name", then "street number." In that order narrows the search more easily
Thanks for the advice, folks. I appreciate it. I happened to be out of my office today and stopped by the Toyota dealer. A salesman came out and tried to show me. He had the same difficulty I did. After much trial and error, we were able to get it to start "guiding" me by hitting the "information" button when the map came up. That brought us to a screen that displayed the particulars of the trip I was planning. At the bottom of that screen we hit a button marked "replace" and that got us going.
The NAV system hangs onto your destination like a starving dog hangs onto a ham bone. It's a real pain. Sometimes (especially while you're moving) voice commands work best, to keep you from having to do the dreaded "drill down" through the foggy menu system. Try saying "delete final destination" or "hide icons" when you're having a problem, etc. BTW, here's a list of voice commands: NAVIGATION MODE -DESTINATION- Go Home Address Delete final destination -MAP OPERATION- Show map Zoom in Zoom out -GUIDANCE HELP- Repeat guidance Arrow guidance Turn list guidance Turn by turn guidance Resume guidance Stop guidance Intersection guidance -SCREEN PREFERENCES- Single map Dual map Compass mode -VOLUME- Louder Softer -POI- Nearest "________" ATM Airport Amusement park Bank Barber shop Car wash Coffee house Convenience store Department store Dry cleaning Ferry terminal Gas station Golf course Grocery store Historical monuments Home and garden Library Parks Pharmacy Post office Restaurant** Rest area or rest stop Specialty food store Stadium Theatre Tourist information Video rental Zoo Hide icons **Nearest "_____" Restaurant (American, Chinese, Fast, Italian, French, Japanese, Mexican, Seafood, or other) food or restaurant may be interchanged TELEPHONE MODE -CALLING- Dial by number Dial by name Dial Cancel AUDIO MODE -MODE- Radio AM FM - FM 1 or FM 2 SAT CD Changer -FUNCTIONS- Audio on Audio off Next track Previous track Seek up Seek down Next disc Previous disc CLIMATE CONTROL MODE -TEMPERATURE- Automatic air conditioning Automatic air conditioning on Automatic air conditioning off Raise temperature Lower temperature Warmer Cooler "_____" degrees (65-85) HELP