Hi Ok real newbie question here - I have tried to find the answer on the Net, the forums and using the search tool but still not been able to find it. I'm still awaiting my Prius but found a great site that demonstrates the functions of the Sat Nav : Toyota Navigation System What I've not been able to confirm, is whether the nav has auto route adjustments? i.e. If I make a wrong turn or miss the exit, does it reroute without you needing to do anything? Or will it just shout at me to turn round? Unfortunately the test model didn't come with nav so I wasn't able to test it fully. Cheers.
Cheers Marvin. Had a horrible thought that it was like my fist GPS where I needed to re-enter every time. Pheww
Jill will keep nagging you until you get back on track. The rerouting is very fast, almost instantaneous. The factory nav system works well, but the user interface is a bit different than Garmin's and Tom-tom's. I like it just fine, but some people never adapt to it. Tom
Yes, it does re-route if you make a wrong turn, or choose not to follow it's orginal guidance. But I have found it trys to get you back on the original (often poor) route for way too long, instead of recalculating a better route in the direction you are driving. If you have ever used or owned a garmin unit, you will be sorely disappointed with fact. nav. Neat integration, poor operation.
I have a Nuvi200W, so it may not apply, but when I make a turn and "The Lady" gets stubborn and wants me to turn around, I hit "Detour" and she is happy and will re-route quickly.:car:
The most common command I get when I miss something is "Please make a legal U-Turn." This occurs even when a legal/illegal u-turn is not the best solution. As my signature suggests, I'm not a big fan of the Nav system, having used Garmin previously and loved it. I've done a lot of testing in areas I know well and the routing is seldom perfect and often bad. I know to ignore it when it tries to send me into bad areas, but I worry about traveling in unfamiliar cities.
One thing I've taken to doing is setting my destination while sitting in my drive way, then suspending navigation. I know how to get from my house at least 95% of the way to my distination and don't need HER nagging at me over a route I know. When I get close (a few miles away) I resume navigation. The route is plotted from my current location fairly quickly and I get guided to the address I'm going to.
I'm having no problems with the NAV until the Lady starts in on me... "You never listen to what I tell you, do you?" "I said Make a legal left-turn" "Are you listening to me... Helloooo?" "See? Now we're lost, I told you so..!" ZC1
The only time I had the "make a legal U-Turn" happen to me was when I was out in the boonies near Fallbrook. I found out later it was because part of the road was on a military base. I was allowed to be there, but the car didn't know it.