Ug. Will we ever get a handle on all this Spam? Drives me nuts. If it were just me having the problem, I'd just quietly go about my business and assume it is just my normal gray cloud following me around. But it appears that I'm not alone out here in the high-latency jungle.
It's slow all the time when I'm at work. (cant do anything about that as they seem to be making IE useless here) And at home I frequently have some hiccups usually the front page wont load. I also have to remember to never hit the back button as it will take 20 seconds or more.
I just did a test on all of the major speed checking websites that I could find and load times were 1.5 seconds and under. Just wanted to let you know that I am actually looking into what the problem might be for you.
I guess my ISP may be to blame when I lock up. I usually close out and come back in. Usually this works but sometimes it doesn't. Maybe it's Vista?
Thanks Danny. Sorry to be annoying (well, I don't mind being annoying - I just usully like to do it on other subjects). I'm on XP, and have been holding off on installing SP3. I'll do that now and see if it makes any difference. Probably the best case is that I crash and can never get on PC again. Problem solved!
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Well, here I am in a different county, using a different DSL with a different provider on a different computer running a different OS. Even slower here!
My slow-down symptoms are quite bizarre... I am using Vista and this is the only site that behaves this way. Most of the time when I try to access the site via my favorites, it won't load at all. I have to google priuschat, right click on the forum link and choose open in another tab. If I use this method for reading subsequent topics, the pages load at a normal rate. But if I forget and just click a topic link, the screen freezes after the progress bars are done and the page doesn't load at all. I am not technically inclined as far as the web goes but I don't think it is my machine as this is the only site I've found that does this. Any ideas anyone? Thanks BTW, I love the site and all that I have learned about the Pruis here... can't wait for mine to arrive!
all, It's always been slow here for me too. That's why I waited so long before join'g (only the slowed ACTIVITY rate of posts over at PriusOnLine caused me to finally join this forum). I have AT&T DSL & I have Windows 2000 Professional for software [but I do have a Netgear router (that my computer savvy friend installed) for use as a sort of firewall (?)]. It usually takes 12 to 15 seconds for ANY page to load (going forward or backward) when I'm on PriusChat. It gets so frustrating that to read any topics with multiple pages, I usually just start 2 PriusChat sessions (one for the odd pages & one for the even pages) & toggle back & forth between them (to read one page that's already there while I'm wait'g for the next page to load on the other session). That's satisfactory for me. I don't go to too many sites on the internet, but for any of the others (including PriusOnLine) it only takes about one second for each page load (forward or backward) to complete & display. The only real problem I have at PriusOnLine is that on any post that takes a while for my single finger to type out, I will lose the text when I submit it & it is un-recoverable. So to keep that from happen'g I usually use 2 sessions there too (only if I desire to post a question or a response---not for just read'g). I'll do my typing on one session, then cut & paste it to a newly opened session. That seems to work O.K. Another thing, as an aside, I'm not very computer literate, so I don't know what version (if any) I have of Outlook Express, but any time a "Contact Us" button is clicked on any site that loads up Outlook Express to communicate with somebody at the website, I can type all I want on that page but I can't send it (I have to take down the e-mail address from Outlook Express & type my message (& send it) by my normal e-mail. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
What web browser are you guys using? It helps to have more than one browser on your computer to help diagnose problems like this. I (and many many other people ) suggest Firefox. It's just an all around better browser. Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable Another good choice is Apple's Safari browser. Apple - Safari - Download Download and try PriusChat with one of these browsers and see if there is a change in speed. And Ct. Ken V, your tech savvy friends and their router . . . good thing . . . even if you only have one computer.
Extremely slow as of late (2-3 months). Using FF3 on XP, very strong machine, lots of bandwidth. Site is just very very (very) slow.
Yes, it goes slower and slower, then the servers are upgraded and its faster, then slower and slower....... btw, I usually use Firefox, latest version. Some of the slowness is undoubtedly due to the advertisements. Lately, I can see that the page is waiting a long time for to load. But, the wait times all ad up (sic).
all, I did forget to mention that I use Internet Explorer (don't know which version my friend installed). But today the PriusChat page loads seem to be a little quicker (in the 9 or 10 second range as opposed to the usual 12 to 15 second times). I've even had a couple of pages load as fast as 5 seconds (getting slightly closer to the speeds I'm used to over at PriusOnLine). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Use Firefox, then turn off all the publicity. I regularly tweak my Host file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) to remove unwanted things. Use this site: Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File to get you started. Then in Firefox, use the add-on called "Adblock". I'm using with the Adblock Filterset.G Updater Very easy to install, it's in the top 10 in the Firefox add-on section. You can then Right-click on publicity to remove it, and have it remember it. Flash ads are harder to kill. Sometimes I go to View Source, hunt them down, and then add the offending domain in my Host file pointing to On CNN.Com, I see zero ads. On PriusChat, I see only text ads actually created by PriusChat. On, I see only ads physically hosted by the domain. Same for On Facebook, I see only their tiny text only ads. It's so clean. Some publicity, and their Java/JavaScript can seriously impair the performance of a website, especially a blog. Downside :: the websites lose "potential" money since you don't generate pageviews on that publicity. Getting CNN or PriusChat to load 300% faster...priceless
Or you could just go the easy route and install the NoScript add-on. Flash Ads? I don't see ANY ads. Unless I want to.
Theres also the flashblock extension that prevents flash movies from loading until you push a button that loads it.
I've noticed PC getting stuck when loading ads. Clicking refresh or another thread link usually solves the problem. Other than that, the speed is much better than it used to be. edit: "Waiting for" seems to be the bottleneck for me, and at the moment, is stalling every page load. I suppose that means it's time to go do something else.