yes! good job. Mine tends to get pulled off when items from the rear hatch are thrown into the rear seats.. then the seats are folded. since my cup holders are out.. this usually tilts it and comes apart.. showing components
oh... but you could seeing that Tokai Rika makes a lot of parts for the prius.. a lot... so... hmm.. smart key sensor?
No. Rules also say I can say what ever I like in the first post, true or false. Obviously if I haven't put the answer on the post I could make it easier so what I said could be false, but it may also be true.
i wonder if it's part of the steering assembly.. i'm assuming those are vents and the steering assembly.. or the MFD... but that doesn't count as an answer.. time to rip the car apart!....
Oh boy! If this isn't hard enough, we also have to deal with the conundrum of the self-referential statement. It is a black plastic cover on a part necessary to meet either operational needs, or regulatory requirements. It is located in your Prius. Did I win? Did I win? Huh... huh? P-l-e-a-s-e, don't say that I did! [I love the hell out of this thread, but there no way I can really play with "the Big Dogs."]
A slightly different picture. By patsparks at 2008-06-30 Oh by the way, no. Come on, it is something you see every time you drive a Prius, well some of us see it. Remember I can tell the truth or not tell the truth in the first post, I must tell the truth in all subsequence posts.
What it is: Label on internal part of remote key FOB Where it's located: Inside your key FOB (go look) ZC1
Correct, well done! I said it was easy!! Something you all handle every day. By patsparks at 2008-06-30 You're up.
What is this item? and Where is it located? The final answer may have to elaborate on what the item is for. ZC1
Good chumping, Pat. And great sleuthing, ZC1. Mine looks slightly different, but close enough. ZC1, it's a divot in plastic, it retains one end of something and keeps it from rotating. It's in a Prius. :lol:
...and I would add further that the one on the left is the original of your car and the one on the right was purchased on E-Bay, hence the difference in serial numbers... the E-Bay one was cloned to open your car too...this is the only one I knew, but a good thread this !
And that is why I said I couldn't make it any easier, I had posted the pictures before on PC. That is also why I used the other fob in the second picture, I was wondering if anyone would pick the different serial numbers. This turn we have a knockout panel in the dashboard of the Prius. It's purpose is to allow the instalation of a switch like the EV switch.
It's a plug or insert spot for a sensor such as an A/C light sensor or headlight sensor it's located on the top left portion of the dash near the windshield.
Location is correct, but could we be more specific on this holes purpose? I'm including an expanded picture, so you can see whats not in it. ZC1
Location: top right side of dashboard in Australian models (I suspect the left side of US models) Purpose: punch out panel to allow the installation of a photon sensor for automatic headlights for some markets, ie. Canada. I believe the device beside this hole is the AC solar infrared heat load sensor. I made that name up, could you tell?
.. as i said.. the empty one is for ( as i change it up a bit) the auto headlights sensor.. while the other one is for the air conditioner... the one that's already there clocks when light hits the cabin so the car knows when the front seats need more cool air. the blank spot is not used in the U.S. as it's designed for the auto headlights sensor (dawn dusk sensor) it's located on the very tip top of the dash hear the left corner of the windshield... (i just repeated what i said above)... (duh)
I realized I would get non-specific answers to this question hence the reason for that opening statement. Although V8CobraKid got very close, he wasn't specific enough with its purpose "such as an.....", Since the A/C related sensor is already installed on all cars, the remaining punch-out hole is for .......? With this in mind, I've been Chumped (again) and Pat from Australia is the winner. Chump ZC1
Well although I am not disputing you ZC1 I shall, with your consent concede to V8Cobrakid because I would never have gotten anywhere near that answer had it not been for his slightly vague response. I say slightly vague in that he said "sensor such as an A/C light sensor or headlight sensor" (emphasis added) which you may deem to be too vague because it nominates 2 sensors. It is my belief I got in first purely due to time zone differences and he would have easily clarified what he meant had he seen your response. So ZC1, what say you? Can we award the victory to V8Cobrakid?