Was cruising e-bay and found these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...&category=33597 and http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...&category=33597 heheheh and this one :-P http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...&category=33597 I don't think I'd trust something like this.. sounds like a load of wank to me :roll:
Are they still selling those things!! :lol: Those things have been around for years. I don't know what damage they can to a ordinary car and it's computer but I piety the poor smuck that puts one on a prius. It is right up there with the vortex/turbo thingie that you put on your air intake. God bless P.T. Barnum.
that just replaces the ECU chip. I wouldn't touch anything that's computer controlled. If it's on sometihng like a Civic, then go right ahead since there's tons of people who have done it before you. On a Prius, I'd be wary.
Sort of like those power boxes you can buy for a Dodge Ram with the Cummins turbodiesel. They plug into the harness between the PCM and the engine, and "trick" the PCM into delivering way more power. I suppose that's fine until you destroy your transmission and then try to persuade your dealer to provide a warranty repair. I find nothing lacking about the power of my Prius. Indeed, with the winter tires on, I can blow away anything around here when there is snow/ice on the road.
Well, maybe. But if you have a Holden, with an LS-1 V8, any of the performance programs and chips that work here in North America will work in Australia. You have some interesting cars there. I like the Commodore SS: http://www.holden.com.au/www-holden/action...ew?modelid=4005 Is that thing as blistering fast as it looks??
I don't think these things replace any of the ECUs they just send false data and make the car run harder, at least that is what I have been told. I suspect it would be a short run for your Prius. Reminds me of a friend of mine in college who had a Sunbeam Tiger (289 Ford in a Britt roadster). His father made superchargers and he had one fitted to the car, lasted less that a year. Shame because you could just keep the rubber on the road in that car as it was.
Oh I fully believe and accept that a proper performance chip that is built for the ECU's will work.. but if you look at these ones, they're in line signal overrides.. at best all they'll do is mess with air fuel ratio's and make your poor ECU work it's arse off. At worst, well.. who knows... Pinging, _terrible_ fuel econ... etc etc oh and yes they are a pretty nice performer.. but not that good as they're quite a heavy car.. you might get a 13sec quatermile... maybe.. but more likely to be a 14 sec. (stock)