I'm not worried . . . you guys do a good job keeping a lid on it. But when it acts like a troll . . . I may be proven wrong, but I doubt it.
Well thank you. I get myself in the poo sometimes too. I suspect in some of my early posts people thought I might be a troll too. I think CelicaSupra has been cool up to now, I think all non Prius owners just need to have an eye kept on them for a while but so far he/she hasn't been bad. Someone asked if nudity was OK on PC. Well of course feel free to participate dressed however you choose but keep it clean on the screen. My wife and son walk past here to go in the kitchen so I don't want nudity on the screen. I have no idea what the acronym was they said they would put in the tread topic. There are no adult locks and no need for nudity. Isn't there plenty of that on the internet?
While some are just kids most are young and very ignorant adults. We used to get the same crap on the LS1 forums and Mustang forums when "rival" groups from some other brand or natioal car would get their whole forum together to spam another forum. It is completely childish and really shows how ignorant and selfserving our society is becoming. Kinda sad really. The amusing part is how many of them are extremely pathetic in real life. We would end up finding the "repeat-offender" trolls at the race track sometimes and when you confront them about their BS they back down and make up all kinds of lame excuses. There is something magical about the internet and it's shielding abilities. It allows you to say the bumbest shit and not get popped in the mouth in reward for your childish antics. In all, I just ignore them or report them as needed. I know that our mods will do a great job of cleaning things up and all will be well next time I log on. Thank you guys for the wonderful work.
I am new to posting and this type of communication. I just started posting myself after searching (and searching) areas of interest. I think I have a good understanding of basic troll work, (though through observation, I am learning some are very subtle. I have less than 10 posts and one of the threads I posted on has a subsequent post with the statement, "reported to mods". I am not sure if it was reported due to suspected trolling or another reason, i.e wrong subject or thread. The thread is titled, "Carification re: plug-in feature?". Can someone provide clarification for this post reported to mods? Thanks
Don't worry, it wasn't you. When a troll's posts or spam is removed, unfortunately, the post numbers are automatically rearranged. Instead of leaving a post which says "REMOVED BY MODERATORS," there is now no sign of there having been a troll or spam post. If someone, like in the case you mentioned, posts a reply stating, "REPORTED TO MODS" . . . this can lead to later confusion when the offending post is removed. By clicking on a posters name - yours in this case . . . we (every PriusChater) can see all your posts. And, as we can see, you are no troll. :wub: Welcome to PriusChat kellgy . . . and don't worry, you are doing fine.
Thanks for the welcome and the information. This is an excellent resource to get connected with and learn about my one month old used Prius. Now I need to find another resource to understand how forums like Prius chat works. Yes, I am a little compulsive.
Welcome to PC, Kellgy! Just try something new every few days and see what works. Some folks will seem like trolls except they follow the posted rules -- You might want to report them but the moderators make the final call. False alarms won't get you kicked off PC unless you do it too often...
This is a post troll event housekeeping matter. Recently, I made a couple of posts that said simply, "Reported," right after an obvious trolling post. Subsequently, the mods removed the trollish threads and posts sprinkled throughout the forum. The issue is, my "Reported" posts remained, now appearing just after a perfectly acceptable post, I've gone back and removed the "Reported" and the posts now show only a period as the software requires at least one character. I looks kind of dumb... well, at any rate, it makes me look sorta dumb. Is there some recognized word or short phrase that I could/should have used to alert readers that the empty post is a vestige of a troll clean-up? If there isn't one, perhaps we should make one up. Something like: "Disregard, troll reported" Not very elegant. Other suggestions are welcome.
The "period" post didn't seem like you -- mystery explained. Maybe we should just make the period the "troll reported and this port was not deleted so it put me in a seemingly awkward position" signal?
Hey! ound: OK, I'll keep it short. I just remembered... how about the asterisk, * -- here a size 5 -- that back in the day used to be verbalized "SPLAT?" Like what you do to an objectionable bug, or inadvertently appears on your windshield.
If the troll or spammer start the thread, there is no problem replying with a "TROLL REPORTED TO MODS" because the entire thread will be removed. In the case of a troll or spam REPLY, there is no reason to post a warning. The mods won't be overwhelmed with multiple reports. So if you see spam or a troll who didn't start the thread, just hit the report triangle and move on with life.
I know. At issue is that when a particularly bored troll with quick fingers hops on and spews out a few dozen posts before one of us sees any reports. When that's the case, we use a little-known tool called "Prune Posts" that allows us to enter a username and *poof* all their threads are gone. But as Rokeby has pointed out, any reference to that troll or any quotes will remain. I have no real solution for that other than to tell people to not even note that you reported it. But then, of course, there's the chance that everyone will think they are the first one to see it and they'll report it. So there is no best way. Of course, when the troll has only a few posts, we address those individually cleaning up any posts after them. But honestly, I check the post count for the troll when I first check them out and when I see that they have a few dozen, the odds of me going to every post and cleaning everything up is pretty slim.
There are quite a few of us show up after the shootout at the PC Corral is over. All we have available to figure out what happened are a few quotes from newcomers and a thread that sure is eclectic. Sometimes it looks like it would have been fun to see the shootout.
Some of these battles make you feel so alive and some make you so angry you step outside the rules, and some do both. Oh but most are totally unprepared for the talent they find here. I must confess I was a troll once, I got great pleasure in going to a pro-smoking site being an ex-smoker myself. It was so much fun to get these guys going. They would produce studies that "proved" smoking was good for you which were easy to debunk, much like the CNW report. The used cultural justification regarding American Indians but none on the site were Indians. They claimed they didn't use ready made cigarettes but made their own cigarettes from untreated tobacco leaves but you knew they all didn't do that. In fact was the few doing that actually doing it because their welfare check didn't stretch to ready made cigarettes and they had the time? They said any ill affects of smoking was caused not by tobacco but the people inclined to smoke are predisposed to lung disease and the added chemicals added by tobacco companied, bloody big tobacco!:rofl: One thing I couldn't disprove was that smoking reduces the incidence of Parkinson's Disease, but the increased risk of dementure was a good offset. Either way on one hand I was told I was well prepared & sent in by the anti-smoking lobby, on the other hand they said I was ill prepared. I was able to engage those clowns for a couple of months with 2 or 3 posts a day before I was banned and I suspect deleted. Well actually I never saw myself as a troll just someone bringing a balance of opinion to their forum.