Click here for Full Story Toyota plans to supply its hybrid power system to Fuji Heavy, which will use it to make hybrids a mainline product in the North American market, which accounts for 35 percent of its group sales, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said. Fuhi Heavy for tis part is considering supplying to Toyota the technology on Lithium-Ion batteris it has developes with electronics maker NEC for use in hybrid vehichles, the economic daily said without citing sources. .... US auto giant General Motors, the top shareholder in Fuji Heavy with a 20 percent stake, has formed a partnership with German-US car maker DaimlerChrysler to jointly deveop hybrid vehichle technology. The Nihon Keizai siad that the alliance was likely to focus on technology for use in large vehicles, rather than vehicles with engine displacements of around three liters, Fuji Heavy's strength. So, in the hybrid tech lines are breaking down like this so far: Toyota/Nissan/Porsche/Subaru Honda Ford/Mazda GM/Daimler-Chrysler VW - Announced but not sure what it is
wonderful news! a hybrid subaru wagon would be about the coolest car i could imagine. awd, good clearance, useful space, good center of gravity, and - now - fuel efficient. subaru: do this, and i'll buy one in a heartbeat! hell, i'll buy two!!
My father-in-law loved seeing, test driving, and riding in a Prius. He also loves his Subaru wagon for all the reasons Glade provided. He would be onboard in no time as well. I'm sure there are many, many more.
Funny, I was having a conversation on the way to lunch with some people from work yesterday when we saw a Prius. Someone said "Isn't that that hybrid car?" and of course I had to chime in She then started talking about how she can't wait for the hybrid system to be in other cars, and that she would be willing to pay a lot of money for a hybrid Legacy. I was happy to break the news to her that Toyota was licensing the technology to Subaru An AWD hybrid sedan will be awesome.
We just traded a Subaru for our Prius! Just this weekend, we handed over our 2000 Subaru Outback AWD sedan for a shiny new 2005 Prius. We love the Prius, but don't you know that it snowed within 24 hours of the chance? If we could get the equivalent of an AWD Subaru sedan with a hybrid engine, I would be all over it.