So, you were a drug pusher??:drum: My dad and grandfather were both pharmacists. Pills were very good to me!
My grandfather was a druggist (as pharmacists used to be called) for 60 years. His brothers-in-law were a doctor and a mortician, so the family had everything covered from cradle to grave. Back on topic: I'm a college professor.
Right now I'm a airborne bus driver. That is until gas goes to $10 a gal. My past professions include missionary, aircraft mechanic sales weasle, auto mechanic.:juggle:
LOL, AND it's unpaid!!! I'm an enviornmental scientist turned stay-at-home mom. (At least until I can find part-time work in my field. I'm being picky!)
Not sure if I count, since I don't drive a hybrid, yet. But... I'm a firefighter/paramedic. I have four coworkers who do drive hybrids...three Civics (one of them the first year they were out, two purchased recently) and one hybrid Escape. Maybe I'll be the first in a Prius.
You mean drug trafficking? I think truck drivers are the biggest users of speed. (not going fast) Just saying, not accusing anyone especially Orracle who is a good person.
Retired from the film industry in Vancouver Canada, now working part time for The Home Depot in Ontario and "odd jobs guy" in our neighborhood. Once the pub is built in my basement I will retire completely and sell all my tools so I can truly relax. Buck
The Poll got disappeared. Like prior job polls, it didn't have sufficient job categories. I recall that most notably, it was missing a category for engineering.