I'm at 4 weeks since I put the deposit and order down for my Prius. Was told an 8-9 week wait. I was really hoping I'd be one of those lucky people to hear from my dealer at the month mark, but no sign of anything yet. I'm moving on Sunday and will have to continue driving my parents vehicle since I already sold mine!
Hello I am a newbe I have been on the waiting list since June 7th. I was told I may have to wait for 5 months, so I will be waiting along with the rest of you waiting for my 2008 or 2009 prius touring.op2:
I got a call from my dealer today. I was super excited! But it wasnt to notifiy me that he was looking at my car =( He had a package 3 (what I ordered) but in Black not Spectra Blue (which I ordered). I could have picked up that car today or wait until mid/early August for mine. I decided to wait it out to get the color I want the most. I'm kicking myself in the pants for doing so because it'd be so nice to already have the car, but I think the color choice will be worth it
We went in and did all of the paperwork today - expected arrival is 6/30 to 7/7, but this may be delayed a day or two because of the holiday weekend. Was very happy to see fair offers for our trades (we're going from a minivan and a station wagon to one Prius), and that the promise of MSRP was kept. Overall, it will be a less than two month experience from getting on the list to delivery. '08 Magnetic Grey #2, BTW - they must have sent a bunch of those off in the last batch given the other recent postings in this thread!
I have been on the waiting list since May 23rd. The internet salesperson has been nice enough to call and offer two Prii that were the right package but the wrong color interior. I really like the light interior. It hurt to say "no, I'll wait" twice but I am hoping the end is near. She said the wait would be 6 to 8 weeks when I put my deposit down in May. She also said that the dealer was now asking $2,000 over MSRP but that she had taken deposits for cars with an agreed on price and she would honor those agreements. It's getting scary out there. Let's all hope that patience pays off.
Hi all, I'm new, I just read this post last wednesday, I emailed the Olympia dealership Wednesday night - I live in Portland, OR, I said I wanted a Prius Package 2, gave a few color choices and Thursday morning the dealer called and asked if I was still looking for a Prius, he had a waiting list of 30,went through everyone, he had two Prius's one a Red pkg 2 light interior, and a dark Grey 2 dark interior..I took the Grey.. it is on the dock in Japan (I think it was Japan) and will be here mid July..I gave him my cc# for a 500.00 deposit. I guess I was super lucky #1 I found this list and read about the Olympia dealer, and #2 non of the 30 people on the waiting list wanted a Package 2 red or grey car! Thank you all for such great help and information!
:hurt::rant: SO discouraged. We went on list May 20th, were told in a couple of weeks that we were number 2 and a shipment imminent, then kept getting delays, excuses from the dealership (who basically seem decent and honest, and whom friends have said good things about). Last week I saw the sales manager put our name on a specific car in the computer in the boat and allocated to them. This weekend we were given an assortment of excuses for why we would not get the car in mid July as we had been promised but that sometime in September. Livid, as we were told three months max when we signed up. Also, check when the tax exemption expires in your state as it is a major issue for us. If we do not get a car by the time the tax exemption expires, we shall have to give up the car. Yes, it's a fantastic car but I think TOyota is shipping most of them to Europe and other places where they can get more money for it, plus the markups, etc are disgusting. The problems trucking the cars in our part of the country are an added pain. Because there is no real competitor that is available, they can get away with it. Sick of people ocmparing apples and oranges and telling me to get a Yaris or Corolla. A Yaris is cute, but a death trap and can't hold all my family and is very uncomfortable. A Corolla lacks a hatchback so can't carry the dog or much cargo. Part of the appeal of the Prius is that it is cute, has loads of fun tech stuff that costs a fortune added to the smaller conventional cars, as well as the mileage. 3
Actually, the Yaris also lacks a 5 door hatchback which was a deal killer for us. The Xd is still a possibility, but doesn't get the fuel economy of the Yaris.
We too will hopefully soon be a two-Prius family. My husband has a black 2005 package 6 with the carpool stickers. We should start a Two-Prius Club!
Exactly! The Yaris and Corolla and Fit and the like are compact cars. The Prius is a mid-sized sedan. This will be Prius #2 for us and Prius #1 is the main get-around-town car for us. I can vouch that it comfortably fits our family of four, plus our dog, on long road trips. The back seat can comfortably fit three kids across the back as well. Try that in a Yaris! I'm also too old to drive a Yaris or Corolla or a Fit or the like. And too young to drive a Camry, thankyouverymuch.
I've been reading this thread since complaining about the wait two weeks ago. I find it amazing how much Americans have become an instant society. Yes I'm guilty of it too. I also have been on the wait list since May 20th and have conceded to that fact that I probably wont see my Prius till September or October. I figure if I keep that point in mind, and one shows up before then great. I have friend at work (mid 50's) who has a yaris hatchback and loves it. He's getting on average 42mpg. He even got 40 mpg going from Southern Indiana to Disney Land in Fl. Oh and he said he was running about 70mph all the way. If I get tired of the wait I'll be getting the Yaris. But if you start looking around they are getting scarce also. Come on September.. Wedge
^^^^ I totally agree, wedge. Time just seems slower with holidays approaching, fuel rising, and waiting times increasing. If anyone should be complaining, it's me....
I think I might be on the waiting list for a Prius... can anyone tell me what happens now??? I went to my local Toyota dealership on Saturday (In the middle of nowhere in the California desert) to get on the waiting list for a Prius. The salesman (err... "Assistant Manager") didn't even know that there was a waiting list. They actually had a Prius on the lot that they offered to sell me, but it was a pretty stripped down model (and goshdarnit, I want my perks!!!), so we told the salesman that we'd like to just get on the waiting list for what we want. He took my name and phone number and wrote what I'd like on an order form. We'd forgotten our checkbook and their credit card machine was down, so I told him I'd come back Monday morning with a check. He told me that as soon as we brought that in he'd "put in the order" (yeah, it sounded odd to me too). I went this morning, took him the check and the printout of what I want (Package #5 with dark gray interior, not too picky about exterior color, but preferably something light so dirt won't show). He said he had looked into it and that you couldn't just put in an order for the Prius because there was a waiting list (which I'd already told him on Saturday) and tried to sell me the one they had on their lot again. I told him that it didn't have what I wanted and I'd rather wait, and he told me he'd just "see what he could get" and would let me know when he found what I wanted. He had no idea how long it would be, or when we could expect to hear from him. Is this a typical experience? Does anyone know how long I can expect to wait? Is it helpful to call him frequently and bug him? I've only bought one new car before (1999 Plymouth Breeze with 240K miles on it that I still drive) and just bought that off of the lot, so have no idea what I should expect, or if there is anything I should make sure the dealer is doing to help me get my new Prius. My husband is dead set on using this dealership, so I guess I have to work with them, but I'm not even sure the guy knows what he's doing. Any help, advice, explanations of the process, etc. would be VERY appreciated!!!
Congratulations, Cornsevs! I'm always encouraged when I hear that someone on the list got his/her Prius! Trying to wait patiently in south central Texas....
say whaaaa?!? do you mean to say you're STILL waiting for that Black Pkg 2 ... the one you've been waiting for since late April??? then i daresay ... YES; if anyone should be complaining around here, it's you! still ... hang in there! and, ahem ... attempting to use my best Rachel Weisz voice here: Patience is a virtue!