Hello, I was brainstorming potential MPG uppers (new owner of a Prius!), and came up with a few ideas that I thought could be interesting. Have any of you lowered your prius 2+ inches in search of better aero? Also, in addition to that, I thought that a flat underbody would be pretty easy to produce. Also, has anyone started using lighter wheels with ultra narrow tires? I think the braking losses would be more than justified by much better economy. Do any of you limit your throttle with something behind the go-go pedal? I find it difficult to remember to accelerate slowly, while still being efficient sometimes. It would be nice to have a limit set at that happy medium of throttle. THANKS ALL!
Sorry, my mind is bursting with ideas at the moment... What if one were to install lightweight seating/body panels/windows/etc. to reduce the weight of the car? How much weight loss do you think would be needed to make things justifiable? Thanks for any input!
During the MPG Challenge at Hybridfest, I've seen spare tires, cargo holders, jacks, head rests, seats, all kinds of stuff removed from the cars. These people clearly believe that even the smallest reduction of weight will improve their mileage. Somewhere, there's a picture of a Japanese modified Prius that's pretty much completely aero-modified. Does anyone remember the pictures I'm talking about?
Search for Pulse and glide driving techniques. Yes losing weight from car will be the greatest help. I have great plans but no progress yet . search lightened prius here Lowered prius done on forums here aswell as aero bodykit and home made wheel skirts. have a good look around forum for ideas. Easyest thing to do would be remove passenger and rear seats as a test, easily reversible. Also Rear hatch door with glass could be removed temporarily and patched with plastic to see effect .. again easily reversible