I am a control room operator for a petroleum pipeline company (not the pipeline company) in Alaska. When I bought my Prius, my boss made the rather ignorant statement that, "How can you work for an oil company and buy that car? It's people like you who are going to put us out of business." My reply was, "No, sir. Us charging $4.00/gal for gas is what's going to put us out of business." Of course it won't but still. I have no qualms about working for an oil company. If the company I work for wants to provide some sort of employee discount for gas, I'd probably still be driving my 16 mpg 4Runner.
Cool, another control systems engineer. I never really worked with the PCS7, but plenty of experience with the older S5. I used to program control systems for hydro powerplants back in Germany. Thomas
Heya, was catching up on old posts and 50+ pages in I found this, I realize the thread died a few months ago but figured I'd add to it and maybe some other new posters to the site would also. My title at work is 'Chief Technology Officer' but this is really just a fancy title for software engineer (head geek)... -Andy
awesome! i actually just took a job teaching 8th grade keyboarding (and one period of 6th grade math) it'll be my first year teaching, so we'll see how it goes! i subbed for that district this past spring and had many conversations with students about the prius after they would see me getting out of it and then have me in class. maybe i'll include some assignments about the future of hybrids?
well I see it only took 11 pages but finally we got some teachers in here... I too am a teacher I taught kindergarten for a year and now I am going back to get my masters in elementary education!
I'm a domestic goddess but my hubby is a technical writer for a corporate and private jet refurbishing company now owned by Jet Aviation. They are overwhelmed with work now because of the airline situation. so many corporations are timesharing corporate jets now instead of flying commercial. the company has work lined up for the next 6 years and the line is getting longer every day.
I'm mechatronic engineer by trade currently working as a technician in the control room of a nuclear physics research centre.... that's particle research, not nuclear reactors.
I'm currently on parental leave from my job as a team leader of sorts for a squad of server technicians/administrators/operators. I'm employed by a multinational computer technology and consulting corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, USA.