We regularly drive a stretch of U.S. 98 in the Florida panhandle that is notorious for speeders. Limits are 55 and 45 along a 35-40 mile stretch, but 65-70 is not uncommon. Tonight we noticed that, as we were doing 46-48 in the right lane, some cars were passing us but not blowing our doors off. Maybe they were passing at 50-55. Do you think people slowing down a bit in order to save gas, even in their older and non-hybrid vehicles? A Prius did pass us at a decent clip tonight, but a Toyota truck stayed behind us for miles, not a normal action.
Not in my area. I do the speed limit or a bit under lately, and especially the SUV and trucks pass me lightning fast. I try to think it's because they're pissed they are driving such an inefficient vehicle.
The only difference I have noticed is that I am getting passed more often...because I have started driving quite a bit slower. I haven't noticed many others reducing their speed. If I could mandate one simple addition to all vehicles, it would be a real-time MPG indicator. I don't think that most people realize how much $$$ they would spend if they reduced their speed only a slight amount. The instant MPG indicator would show them very clearly...and have a strong likelihood of making a change in behavior.
no. Today as I was on the way to work an 18 wheeler passed me on the right median! I was in the slow lane at 55-58 and he doing 75 on the shoulder to my right! I notice them just as fast but seemingly a bit angrier!
I've seen a big change since April. In March and for most of the year before when I left work at 2:30 traffic was so heavy (bumper to bumper) that 50-55 was often the top speed on the highway and stop and go was common around certain stretches. Now I see less than half the amount of traffic, normal vehicles are doing 55 & 60, only about half the drivers seem to flying down the roadway, and most semis seem to be slowing down, too.
I drive I-5 from Tacoma to Seattle every two weeks. I haven't noticed traffic slowing, but I seem to notice slightly fewer vehicles. I think I heard our ridership on mass transit in the Seattle area is up sharply from last year, so that might explain fewer vehicles. But the cars and trucks on the road still pass me like I'm standing still... guess $4.30/gal just isn't a big deal to some people.
In the inland empire, (So. Cal.), I do not notice a slowing trend, but I do see a lot more Prius on the road. I drive 55 on the freeways (obviously the lower end of the spectrum), so being tailgated and passed frequently is just part of the drive. Another thing I've noticed is our family talks more while driving since we are not in a hurry and I'm not focused on "getting there".
I suspect there was a radar trap set up a few days ago and people got their fine notices yesterday. Things will return to normal in a few days.
Good thought, Pat. However, state and county officers are always on the road, either highly visible or lurking. This is a fairly small region (maybe 50,000 drivers daily on the main road) and many people even know what the unmarked cars are and where the officer lives who drives it. Last evening could have been an anomaly, of course.
Lot's of rednecks where I live. They haven't noticed that gas prices have exceeded their cigarrette budget so they are still putting the pedal to the metal on their 10 year old deisel F-250 dually.
Driving I-94 between Detroit and Chicago I have noticed that the trucks seem to have slowed down a bit. Now they are only driving five mph over the speed limit. I have had a few large cars and SUV's pull in behind me and follow for long distances. I cruise at 65 mph. 5 mph below the 70 mph speed limit. It might be my imagination, but seems like more State Police radar cars lurking at the turn-outs. Rotorhead
Haven't noticed many people slowing down in DC. I spend a lot more time in the slow lane though...haven't passed anyone on the beltway for the past few weeks. Took some getting used to but now realize that I'm much more relaxed during my commute. BTW I'll be down in the Panhandle in the next week driving between Crestview (where my inlaws live) and Pensacola Beach where I'll be spending the 3rd and 4th of July. I'll be driving one of my relatives huge vehicles. For some reason they all drive Chevy Avalanches. Not sure why, and I bet they regret it now with the cost of gas.
On the 3rd, make it Navarre instead. There's a free 6 p.m. concert at the park north end of the bridge, and fireworks about 8. Bring a picnic, and be sure to ask someone where I am, love to meet you.
I hear you. I also have an 11-year-old F-250 Powerstroke (no dually) that I can't (don't want to) get rid of. Great for hauling plants and pinestraw at 17 mpg..
I have noticed on I-495, which typically has a lot of truck traffic, that the trucks have slowed down. The cars, not so much. For the truckers, it's a business decision. Other people don't seem to have caught on that it's dumb to complain about gas prices and not cut down a bit on the speed.
Definitely will be sticking with P'cola beach. Have 2 free nights at the Hilton and don't plan to fight the holiday traffic.