He's not mature enough for me to react in a mature way. Lets complain about insurance prices because someone had a road rage with a jeep driver.
Sounds to me like a case of the pot calling the kettle black! The other driver may have been the nice person first, but you caught up quick.
everyone knows prius drivers are supposed to turn the other cheek. it is not politically correct to get mad.
"ja sun tecumba tapar" What the OP has to say is pure gibberish. Wikipedia deinition: "Gibberish is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech, but has no actual meaning (such as "ja sun tecumba tapar") or ("la bgud duyier jusrekd, oh mai!"). This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook... The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can also be described as a presence of nonsense." Right now, if you Google "road rage Jeep," in the top 20 you get this, http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/49990-jeep-drivers.html, this very thread. This embarrasses me greatly; PriusChat, providing worldwide access to puerile drivel. The solution? < Delete >, of course
Hello. I am a Jeep driver and also a forum user on a forum for Jeeps. Without being disrespectful, the general consensus in the Jeep community is that the owners of Priuses or Prii (idk what you guys call them) and their eco friendly counterparts are responsible for the closings of some of our trails that we use for off roading. In a general sense, Jeep drivers are considered some of the more responsible drivers on the road. You may have gotten a bad apple from the bunch. However, it has nothing to do with the guy being a Jeep driver. In some places of this world you can get shot for doing such stupid things to any driver. My goal here was to remind you that it was not the Jeep community that you should hate, it is yourself because you put yourself into the situation. Thanks for understanding. I would say happy trails here, but I doubt a Prius would make it off the pavement. Thanks for saving the fuel!!! jeepforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=676821
Being the former owner of a Jeep C-J5, let me point out that there are two types of Jeep drivers, just as there are two types of Jeeps. Back when we bought our C-J5, the Jeep was a utility vehicle. The standard Jeep came with a driver's seat. Everything else was optional. It even had a toolbox built into the floor. About that time Jeep discovered a much bigger market by selling Jeeps to the masses as a sort of sports car - the Jeep Renegade. There was also an early attempt at a family vehicle with the Jeepster Commando. The Jeep Renegade was still a capable off-road vehicle, only tricked out a bit. Over time Jeep introduced more models targeting soccer moms and families. Nowadays very few Jeeps ever leave the pavement, which brings me to the two types of Jeep drivers: 1) Serious Jeep drivers, and 2) Everyone else, which means your typical SUV driving soccer mom type and family commuter. Jeep drivers who drive off road are generally enthusiasts that give some thought to driving and doing the right thing. They are generally good drivers, and respectful of the environment. It's the SUV driving wanna-be Jeepers that give the others a bad name. Tom
Stupid is as stupid does. No sympathy here. Let the fools go, and depend on the laws of natural selection. There must be two types of Prius drivers too. Us and this guy.
I'd say your first group (enthusiasts) are subdivided into two groups as well. 1) Those who see their Jeep as a tool for exploring amazing places they can't get to any other way. This type tends to be of the tread lightly persuasion, who cares deeply about preserving these wonderful places so they will still be there to see in the future. 2) Those who get cheap thrills out of jacking their jeep up to go rip the woods all to sh!t and get as muddy as possible. I think its safe to say that this second group is responsible for seeing to the closure of far more trails than Prius owners. Back in our Land Rover days we were frequently saddened to see the amount of destruction that could be wrought by idiots in four wheel drives and quads who could absolutely give two craps about the beautiful wilderness they were trashing. Fortunately there are a lot of good folks in the offroad community as well, out there repairing trails, restoring wilderness areas, trying to make up for the impact of the idiots before their hobby is banned completely. Rob
Its not that jeeps are fast. Its that pruis's are SLOW. My 8,000+ LB truck would kick the crap out of a pruis in a race. I understand about getting pissed for getting cut off. But like one guy said. Your lucky he didnt kick the crap out of you. If you were talegating me like you said you were to him. I would have stood on the breaks. Quick fix for talegaters one real good break check and they normaly back off real quick!
Thanks for the bull plop, mind the door doesn't smack you in the ar** on the way out. Happy trails, don't rush back. Jeep drivers might be totally responsible on the road but driven off road any vehicle (even animals with hard feet) cause harm to the ground and induce erosion, especially in numbers. The trails are closed due to the damage done, nothing to do with Prius drivers, our cars as you point out are not likely to be damaging delicate ground on bush trails. Suck it up chum, get over it. In some parts of the world? Yep, in the USofA!
Thank you for your demonstration that not all of the human race has evolved at the same rate. Fists beat brains, yeah right. For the correct use of the words "break" and "brake" save this as a quick reference, maybe you can use it in your next tattoo? Take a break to allow your brakes to cool.
Congratulations you can spell, add another pen to your pocket protector. 1st of all I never said that i thought it was right that the dude in the jeep got out with a golf club. And 2nd I never said that fists beat brains. And I think its obvious that the dude that started this thread didn't use his brains when he decided to try and chase down & follow the guy that cut him off. That was kinda my point in saying that he was lucky not to get beat up, And if he did it would have been becouse the guy driving the Prius didnt use his brains. So untill you actuly grasp what was said dont put words in my mouth.
Thanks, I laughed at that. Now it is time for work and I have a smile on my face, thanks again. From the pocket protector gag, I can tell you have no idea who I am, cool. Those who met me in Detroit between 11th and 13th of January are laughing with me about that.
I registered just to respond to your insightful post. As a Jeep owner I completely agree with you. Many of us have a deep love for the mountains, deserts and everything between. My daily driver is a Subaru but it won't go to the places I want to enjoy. I bought my Jeeps after a back injury prevented my carrying a backpack. I now take my Jeep into the backcountry as far as the trails go, then take a light daypack and hike or ski from there. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your open minded attitude.