I have been driving my Prius since April 16th and have noticed pretty much two polar ends of the spectrum in regards to the car...First there is the people who are curious and just flat out don't know much about the car. Most people ask where do I plug it in at. Then at the gas pumps when gas hit 4+ I noticed people asking more. On our way to wedding we were surrounded by five people all interested in the car and curious. Then theres the idiots who scoff at the idea of a Prius saying its ugly, can't go fast, etc. I had a friend say that the local news just said that a Prius wasn't worth the money and a scion was better...On the freeway I feel like I sometimes get dirty looks from gas guzzler owners driving off in their giant cars. I happen to adore my car and hope that as gas prices rise people realize the value of the Pri!!
Some people are open minded about new things and want to learn more; some people think they already know everything (they don't, no one knows everything).
In the words of Sheryl Crow: "If it makes you happy" (then screw everyone else...my words, not Sheryl's).
I have a 2001 and after 7 years, I still get told every now and then that the Prius battery only lasts a year or two. What a great comment for improving my self dicipline.
You're a better man than I am. I would have looked at the speaker for several seconds in silence, said, "Really? Gee, I've NEVER had a problem and it's been 7 years. Guess you heard wrong.":heh:
YAH! Prius is the best! We are saving the enviroment from pollution and not consuming so much gas! If I had a chance, I'd beat the living hell out of every jeep, chevy, and ford gas guzzling owner around! Long live the Prius!
I love my Silver Pine Mica 08 with bells and whistles. Got a little twitterpatted when I actually got 51 mpg (MFD) during one tank. My husband still calls it a chick car but enjoys driving it and reminds me that he's told me for years how to drive a car for fuel economy, etc, etc. He's amazed it took PC threads to convince me not to have a lead foot, not to accelerate/brake hard, etc. He's even more amazed when I give him instruction on how to drive my car. No one has stopped me to ask me questions but I still think Prii's just plain ROCK!!!!!