:lol: no "exaggeration"(well, 2.5hours.. close enough for my guess), It's in Busselton... Here is a map.. (Kenmac and myself both live in Perth)
Ah... so much for not finding one in rural towns! Busselton - plenty of retired farmers down there, probably well cashed up too, easily affording a Prius. It would be interesting to know how many they have sold there. kenmac
I just got back.. :-D http://www.modmeup.net/gallery We decided to buy it.. The guy we dealt with was utterly brilliant.. His name is Dave Kennedy and he treated us really well, and even threw in the floor mats and 2 years roadside assistance free.. :-D We pick it up in a week or two after paper work etc has been sorted.. :mrgreen: Sooooo cool :lol: We're quite happy! **edit : Some points of interest about the 05 Aussie Hybrid... 1) No mud flaps 2) It comes with an "EV" button standard...
CONGRATULATIONS! I am very happy for you and your family. Enjoy your wonderful new car! BTW the US version does not have mud flaps standard, they are an add on accessorie. They do look nice though Take care and Congrats again! Tisza
senectus, Congrats - enjoy! Re mudflaps - you can get them at[web:46331ed8dd]http://www.toyota-parts.ca[/web:46331ed8dd] The set I bought were reasonably priced and they are easy to install - full diagrams/instructions included. Is your new car 2005? You said it was a demo, so assumed it was 2004 manufactured. Prius accessories are a weak point with Toyota - they are probably protecting the airflow effects by restricting "add-ons"! However, they are available but not factory supplied, you need to shop around, mainly in the US. I am currently experimenting with a rear vision video system using locally available items. Hope to spot you around Perth some day - I've only seen 4 so far! kenmac
hey Kenmac Yeah its a 2005 model.. it was reg'd on the road 1 month ago .. so I got a 1 month old demo.. it's still so new that you can still smell the "new car smell" very strongly in it :mrgreen: I think I'm very lucky.. Because in all reality I'm getting a brand new car plus some ad on's for about 3 grand less than RRP... I think I'll look into the mud flaps.. thanks for the heads up.. Maybe if we get enough we can start a local club ;-)
oh really? Same as removeum, in Canada, the Roadside Assistance comes with our new car warranty (36 months or 60,000kms)
:multi: :clap: WOO HOO! I picked mine up today!! I drove back home (a little over 230km's) and I did 5.0 ltrs per 100 km's!! I love it love it love it!!! Sooooo Happy :-D
And we're happy for you! Welcome to the club. Now you know first hand what we are all so crazy about.