When I drive down our street approximately 1/4 of all the garages I see is used for stuff other than cars. Of course that's none of my business how one uses their garages. But then I thought to myself, this is a sign that we as a society have too much crap. The creation of crap in general is changing the environment as we know it. We know this, but I think people in general don't know this.
Yeah, I've been noticing the same thing too. I think I'm one of the few on my street to actually use my garage for what it was intended for. Every time I hear of a major storm coming our way I quickly put my car in the garage in case of possible hail -or a falling limb from my neighbor's tree. When I do this I've noticed a few of my neighbors looking at me kind-of enviously. Wth is up with that? Clean out your garage and you can actually use it!! (end rant, sorry)
Mine holds both. I can still get my car in. But it is piled high with stuff. It has all of my stuff from when I taught music. It has all of my stuff from when I taught sixth grade, self contained. It now has all of my stuff from being a teacher librarian. The reason I have all of this stuff is.....I don't know when I'll need it again. My library job was just eliminated. I have NO idea what I'll be doing in the Fall. Could be a librarian, or a sixth grade teacher, or a music teacher. So I need all of my stuff....just in case. After I retire....my garage will be so clean!
Here is a picture of the front of my home. By patsparks at 2007-10-13 In the picture are my Toyota Crown and my Prius. Behind each car in the picture is an automatic lift up door, a 3 metre (10 foot) wide carport and behind the Prius a 5 metre(16 foot) wide garage. Both the carport and the garage are 12 metres long but the carport isn't completely weather proof, the rain can get in but direct sunlight is restricted. The carport houses the RAV4, the Crown and 3 rubbish bins off to the side. The garage has a Celica in it and also houses the Prius but it is a tight fit. I use the garage for storage and a workshop. I have work benches and tool cupboards down the sides of the garage, I also have my motorbike, a drill press on a steel bench which has wheels, my lawn and garden care equipment, swimming pool pump & filter, spare roof tiles, paint, timber, steel, oh and my land-yacht is in the roof. Next weekend will see a major tidy-up of the garage because a fortnight after I hope to pick up a Toyota Tiara which will need to go in the garage with the Celica and Prius.
Some days I drive with it up, some days I drive with it down, sometimes I drive with it half way up simply because I can!! :high5:
Fiona resides in splendor alone in a 2-car garage. There are some "valuables" in there, of course, but definitely no junk. OTOH the nextdoor neighbors have a junk car in their garage (packed in solid), another junk heap parked in the driveway, as well as 2 other cars also parked outside. Because the outside junk has "collectible" plates, it is exempt from village sanctions. (gr-r-r-!)
I would put the 2004 car in the 1939 garage, but I don't think it fits. I mean, even if I did clean it out. And having double doors with the bolt on the inside doesn't make it convenient. So, it makes a great garden shed.
Right now our detached garage is full of stuff because of moving---- we are going to turn it into a studio for my wife Froley
no garage, but we're selling a number of items we don't use. someone else probably has a better use for it than letting it lay around in storage. when we finally do have a garage, it will be DH's workshop area so there will be have to be room for cars and tools.
We have a two car detached garage, which contains two cars and lots of other stuff. The garage was built to hold more than just cars. It is a salt box type of structure. The extra space is used for the current season's equipment: mowers and such in the summer, snow blowers in the winter. Several bicycles reside there year round. The garage has a finished upstairs which is used for storage: some junk, boat sails in the winter, camping gear, sporting goods, that type of thing. We have a lot of other space for serious pack-rat junk storage. There is the basement, which is accessible from the lower grade level entrance, or through an outside Bilco door and steps, or from inside using the front stairs. The attic is off of the third level, and is accessible from the back stairs. Large tools are in our boat shop, which is attached to the back of the building, and the shop has a lower storage level which almost has head room, but still provides another 1,000 square feet of storage for off season equipment. The rest of our stuff is crammed into numerous closets, walk in closets, and unused rooms. I think the answer to your question is yes, people have too much stuff. Tom
You should have a garage sale. Then all your "stuff" can be recycled by another teacher so it can take up space in her/his garage. Our garage is half car / half tools and junk. My GF's Avalon takes up one half; my table saw, band saw, jointer, etc. take up the other half. My Prius gets the carport. The Sequestered SUVâ„¢ sits in the driveway, now joined by my GF's motorhome (did I mention that she is insane?).
My garage is reserved for projects, tools, toys and also serves as a dumping ground on the rare occasion that my wife empties out her van.
We've only a 1.5 car garage. It houses an aquatic, wind-powered, racing machine in the main. We also have a climbing wall, lots of stuff we need to sell, garden maintenance tools, and various other odds and sods.
Strangely, I have room for the car, but I have a lot of "JunK" in transition. There are a lot of things like brass faucets and 'sort of working' lawnmowers that can be recycled. I do not want to add to a landfill. I do not want to force the car outdoors. I do not want a garage full of junk. I try not to think about it too hard. The really good aspect is that I will not buy something big (e.g. lawn mower) until I make room first. I have not been buying much.
Our garage was built in 1923. It probably holds a Model A just fine. A modern car, not so much. I doubt even the Prius will fit. It's just an over-sized garden shed at this point. Eventually, we plan to knock it down, and get a little more green space in our backyard.