I was looking through the Acronyms in the Knowledge Base and noticed that some the more rarely used ones on the list are not there. These often include ones of a more specific and technical nature. I took it upon my self to offer a few more that might be added to the list. These are used by the most knowledgable around here but may confuse some. I paraphrased these from New Car Features. I partly compiled this to help my self understand the car and it may help others. Please feel free to edit, comment and clarify, particularly spelling. Other Abbreviations Definitions and Acronyms: NCF=New Car Feature a publication by Toyota providing a technical overview of the Prius HVB = High Voltage Battery also HV Battery or NiMH Battery the main 201.6 V Battery 12V Battery= Lead Acid Battery = Auxiliary Battery MG1 = Motor Generator 1 starts engine as a motor and generates power when driven by the ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) MG2 = Motor Generator 2 drives wheels and generates power when driven by the wheels during deceleration. SKS = Smart Key System formally SE/SS (Smart Entry/Smart Start) the remote keyless entry and start system ECU = Electronic Control Unit any of the various computer control units in the car. Includes: HV ECU High Voltage ECU This is the brains of the HSD receiving and sending signals from all parts of the HSD turning driver request (shift, accelerator, break) into action by parts of the HSD system. ECM Engine Module controls the ICE (spark, fuel injection, valve timing etc) delivering the proper amount of power to the system under direction of the HV ECU and informs HV ECU of ICE state. Transmission ECU after receiving On signal from HV ECU monitors the Parking Switch (button) and when pressed it locks the hybrid trans axle and locks when brake is pressed and car is placed in D, R, N Skid Control ECU Controls regenerative brake effect by MG2 and the hydraulic system to mimic a conventional hydraulic system as well as functions of Brake Assist, ABS (Antilock Brake System) and VSC (Vehicle Stability Control) ECB ECU = Electronically Controlled Brake integrated into the Skid control ECU to calculate required brake force based on peddle effort and force. EPS ECU = Electronic Power Steering ECU controls the power assist to steering column calculated from input from the Skid Control ECU and various sensors Battery ECU monitors the SOC (State Of Charge) and battery temperature communicates with the HV ECU and controls the HV battery cooling fan. Power Source Control ECU Controls the push button start system receives signals from switches and ECUs communicates to the HV ECU power on power off Air Conditioning ECU calculates the compressor speed based on input from sensors using a nonlinear fuzzy logic system controls blower speed Meter ECU Transmits vehicle speed signal, receives information if smart key is in vehicle and sound the warning sound in car on request of other ECUs (the source of the annoying beeps) Body ECU receives door lock and unlock request and monitors if smart key is in vehicle transmits this to Smart ECU over a serial connection. Transponder ECU Controls the HV immobilizer by recognizing the key ID code also works with Smart ECU in cars equipped with SKS. Transmits an HV stat authorization to the HV ECU Smart ECU Checks ID code received from wireless transponders in the car and transmits the code to the Transponder ECU Navigation ECU provides navigational features as well as Voice recognition and Bluetooth connection. Gateway ECU provides communication between the 3 LANs (Local Area Network) Local Area Networks in car the CAN, BEAN, AVC LAN; CAN = Controller Area Network using a multi star style bus connection through 2 junction connectors and connecting main bus line at 500 kbps with a max of 1M bps provides connection for the main components of the HSD including: HV ECU ECM EPS ECU Battery ECU Skid Control ECU steering angle sensor Yaw Rate and Deceleration Sensor Gateway ECU BEAN = Body Electronic Area Network using a daisy chain style bus running a Max of 10k bps connecting the Body components including: Body ECU Meter ECU Transponder Key ECU Transmission Control ECU A/C ECU Power Source Control ECU Smart ECU DLC3 Gateway ECU AVC-LAN = Audio Visual Communications Local Area Network uses a star style bus centered on the MFD (Multi Function Display) running at a Max of 17.8k bps connecting the components of the Audio Visual Systems including: Audio Head Unit MFD Multi Function Display Navigation ECU Gateway ECU THS- II = Toyota Hybrid System II = Hybrid Synergy Drive PGU = Planetary Gear Unit the power transmission and distribution device of the HSG directs power between the ICE, MG1, MG2 and the wheels as directed by the HV ECU. SMR = System Main Relay connects and disconnects the HV power between the HV Battery and the inverter assembly. DLC3 = Data Link Connector 3 sits over by your right knee and allows connection with the CAN and allows for obtaining Diagnostic Trouble Codes from any of the components of the system and allows for reprogramming of ECUs DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code SOC = State Of Charge applies to HV Battery level of charge of main battery
Well, I for one greatly appreciate what you have done here. It makes life for all of us easier when we are all on the same sheet of music. Of course, there are exceptions to that, like politics and some others and that is what makes this country so great.
Most of this is already in the Knowledge Base Articles Discussion forum: Here: http://priuschat.com/forums/acronymglossar...ted-vt6731.html and here: http://priuschat.com/forums/-kb-acronym-gl...sary-vt961.html
tag if you look at the list carefully there are 3 or 4 that duplicate the present list and I repeated to make this a bit more understandable as a stand alone post, but most are additions and have shown up around here from time to time. They are a bit more obtuse than the original list but may be usefull.
hdrygas, EDIT: I added your new abbreviations and terms to the existing list in the KB forum. Check it out and see what you think....I'm interested in your opinion. Problem here is that, by posting in this forum, your list is probably going to wind up on page 6 within a month or two and on page 40 within 6 months.
Looks good. I posted here first for 2 reasons. First I was not sure about the process for getting things into the Knowledge Base and second I wanted some editing and criticism of the stuff. I wanted it to be right.
The 123 volt auxiliary battery is not a lead acid type battery. It is a AGM type battery. I don't remember what the letters stand for but there is a technical service bulletin (TSB) on the battery. Not a good idea to have a battery that emits H2 gas into the cabin.
You are right but it basically uses lead acid chemistry so being old and in a rut I think of it in the fashion. AGM Replaces the liquid H2SO4 with a gel. I think we should change it or add a equivalency. Many refer to it that way so it should probably remain and be clarified so people will find it. As someone pointed out we have to careful when referring to batteries and be specific as you can so as not to cause confusion. Particularly as there is a third "battery" that is used to back up the breaking system that uses capacitors to store electric potential. That would be the Power Source Backup Unit. It uses 28 Capacitor cell to store electric charge from the 12 V power supply. Perhaps we should add that one to the list?
We're not trying to re-write the tech manual guys, just defining acronyms. Don't know of any acronyms/abreviations for the brake backup power supply.