here a pictuyre off a 2005 model in the diagnostics menu schowing a "camera check" anyone now what this is!? there is no rearview camera on a 2004-2005 models or is there? of standard i mean!
so in NA models there is not this greyout option in the diagnostics menu? or its there but only never build in.?
NA models didn't get a backup camera until 2006, along with the new higher resolution MFD. But the backup camera was available in Japan because they had the IPA option.
The backup camera is one of combined factory option with IPA and Navi system. You have to get a backup camera, IPA computer, Japanese Navi computer, Japanese MFD, IPA activate switch and full wire harness. Also, you have to invite a good assembling factory worker from Toyota. I think it is more than US$10k project. Ken@Japan
Rear view camera has been part of the Prius i-Pack here in Australia since 2004. And height adjustable drivers seat even on the base model
i have had a look at the back and i can clearly see a little cover plate on the location where the rearview cam needs to be mounted! mm only a real toyota part camera and some cable then a video to rgb converter and a switchbox maybe..... it feels and looks the same lke the original!
The camera isn't that big a deal. After a couple of weeks, the novelty wears off, and I hardly ever look at it. I find the mirrors are more useful, and I back into my garage every night. If you want it get it, but you don't really need it. It has high "wow" factor for first time passengers, though. I did turn off the annoying back-up beep, it bothers me while I'm watching TV!
well the look behind is not that great so when parking the car i dont think about it as a gadget realy need it
Not really. There are several companies, like Sigma or Coastaltech, which sell the backup camera system for the Prius for about $500, but you do need to have the NAV. I'd like it too, but I wonder if there are companies that will install it.