I took my first test drive in a Prius today. I am very pleased with ride and acceleration, etc. The only thing missing is XM. I am pretty well versed with XM, being the proud owner of every model Delphi makes -- from Commander through MyFi. I am looking for information or experience with having the Toyota dealer install an XM component. I am looking at package 6 with Navigator, JBL, etc. I know that CostalTech and PriusXM sell a product that I could install myself. Quite honestly, I am not interested in doing it myself. If anyone has had Toyota do an install, I would like to hear how well it works, what it costs, etc. I want to make sure it is controlled the SAME as FM and that it appears on the screen the same. I am very disappointed in how my Delphi Commander model works in my Camry. I have to turn the volume down before starting the car because of the time lapse between the start of the FM channel and the XM. There is a 3-4 second burst of static while XM gets online.
Now please correct me if I am wrong BUT, my experience was the same as yours... I was willing to pay a dealership to it, but was not willing to let Best Buy or Tweeter do it without documented proof that they had Prius experience. From what I understand, Toyota has not okay'ed the kit for the PRIUS yet. The kit that everyone is selling is technically for the Solara. Therefore, from what I understand the dealerships won't do it. It does work just like FM radio, completely integrated into the screen. (You might want to check out the category Audio in the forum). Installing it yourself or paying someone to do it in their driveway appears to be the only way unless you live in Florida and Coastal Dave will do it, I think. It really isn't hard. Again, refer to the other threads in Audio.
I've been using my XM MyFi in the Prius. It really works very well. As you know, the "MyFi" comes with everything you need to use anywhere, including the car. I simply used a tiny piece of two sided mounting tape under the small XM car antenna and mounted it on the dash board near the window. It is not at all noticeable. I used some decorative cloth tape to disguise the wire, then ran it under the seat. I place the "MyFi" in the front cup holder when I want to use it in the car. The built in transmitter works fine through the normal car radio. Now I know this may not be the invisible permanent installation that you are looking for, however, you do not need to pay for an additional XM subscription, and it really does work very well. Give it some consideration. Let us know what you ultimately do. Alan
I installed a Coastal Tech XM kit last fall. A customer just buying a new Prius brought in information copied from Coastal's website. My service manager asked me about it,so I checked them out on the web and gave them a call. The customer ordered it themselves and brought it in to be installed before picking up their new car. The only problem I ran into was mounting the box in the left rear quarter. After calling them for help,I found out that the included disc that came with the kit was instructions with photos :lol: Had I known that before hand it would have made it go quicker. I saved the disc(customer didn't want it),so next time I will be ready. Dealing with Coastal Tech was a breeze for me.As for the look and feel,the MFD looks like it came from Toyota.This might be an option,epp, if your dealer is willing. I think in our case,the customer purchased the kit and sales paid for the installation.
Gee Rick, I like your dealer already! I doubt my dealer would have paid to have it installed, and may not have even done it!
I installed the PriusXM kit in about 4 hours. It likely would have taken 3 but I had fun getting one of the steps done Unless you're afraid of messing things up, I wouldn't bother paying the dealership. You have a few hours to spare, don't you? It's free!
Yes and most any do it yourselfer could tackle it. Just take an afternoon,follow instructions(watch Cd if you get Coastal kit) and if you need help,we are here :wink:
I installed my priusxm radio in about an hour after watching Jon's DVD that came with the kit. I am not one to take a dash apart, but this was easy! You can do it!!!! Heck, if your in the Chicago area, I'd do it free!
An hour! Wow. You must have not been afraid to pull apart those first few parts of the dash... I was terrified! And, I didn't have fishing wire. My hangers were so inflexible and thick it took quite a few tries.
How I did it in an hour: 1. Obtain all tools. 2. Prepared the area (light color blanket to lay pieces on in order that they were removed). 3. Have plenty of good lighting. 4. Use small dental mirror to see behind the glove compartment (avoids all of the guesswork in routing the cable behind it) 5. Prepare the entire route for the cabling (remove dash, MFD, radio, door sills, etc.) 6. Mount the tuner @ interior rear quarter panel 7. Mount the antenna, then route antenna cable. 8. Hook antenna cable to tuner. 9. Route the cable and attach to the tuner. 10 Reinstall the MFD and radio 11. Test unit with channel 001 - sample XM Radio signal. 12. Install dash assembly and sills-wipe down with CA duster. 13. Call XMRadio to get service started (took an add'l 45 minutes). 14. Have a celebratory lemonade. Oh Yes, you'll need an understanding wife helping you get through the initial fear of taking off the first piece of the dash I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was. As I've said before, if I can do it, ANYONE can!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Epp\";p=\"67591)</div> I see that you're in Northern VA so you might give Koons Tysons Toyota a call. Koons did the install for my '05 in part by reverse-engineering the install in my '04 trade in and also had access to the now public domain instructions. You'll have to ask them about the price; I think they gave me a bit of a break since mine was the first customer install.