Frank: 8,800km of mostly Winnipeg city driving and the HVAC filter was mostly plugged. The engine air filter is I'd guess 50% plugged. Scary. I also have to *breathe* that s***.
When I get my Prius......I'll probably change the cabin filter seasonally and use my inverter to power my Ionic Breeze GP (the one with the U.V. light) in the car. But I'll have to concoct a setup for the Ionic breeze that isnt too cheesy and somewhat effective.
Whoa Babe! (meant with all respect) Shades of "My Cousin Vienne" there was one hot babe who knew cars, and one of my favorite actresses. Defiantly "Go Girl"
Hi again, Yup, my hubby lucked out here, and amazingly he even thinks so! I also appreciate the inexpensive filter tip. Anytime I can save a bit here and there makes me a happy camper . BTW, DanMan they were standard issue pliers, I was just very determined. Take care, Tisza
political correctness rears its ugly head here at the politically correct prius forum. thanks for the reminder about the fact to check the cabin air filter and yes, indeed, women are different then men.