Hello, I am a newbie to the forum after purchasing an '04 for my wife. She always forgets to lock her doors after going from a car that did it automatically. I have a home-made mod that will lock all the doors automatically when you push the brake and the power button to start. It's fairly easy to install since it plugs into existing channels. I am wondering if this is something that people would be interested in. If so, would you expect to pay $50-$60 for it? Thanks in advance for letting me know what you think.
I didn't vote in the poll, but I'll say auto locking is a handy feature. What happens if a door is open when the car goes to READY? Does your system auto-unlock when powering down?
I lock my doors when I get out of the car not when I get in because my world is a nice place which isn't in a dangerous country.
I just checked it and if a door is open the car will lock but then immediately unlock so you can't be accidentally locked out. The lock mechanism will only work from the car being completely off since it is for safety when you get in the car and first power it on. I doesn't unlock after the car is shut off either which isn't that big of a deal to me since the door opens whenever you pull the handle inside. Hope that helps.
FROM owning a cadillac, i would love to have a feature that locks the doors the minute i put the vehicle into gear. then, when i put the vehicle back into park, the doors should unlock. everything inbetween that should be a manual command. if you can do that to the prius, i would buy it! PATSPARKS - australia is indeed a beautiful country, i myself have been to melbourne for the aussy tennis open. however, here, we have car jackings, etc, etc. locking the doors here is a real issue of safety.
I just received the first shipment of the PriusLock accessory. They all tested out perfect. Available at the priuschat store now. http://priuschat.com/forums/sponsored-commercial-sales/50049-priuslock-auto-door-lock-module.html