The ignorance here is incredible. Is this what people actually think of us? I came late to the party and have tried to counter some of the ignorance, but on the whole I'm appalled at the predjudice and misinformation. (3700208) BMW M3 beats Toyota Prius in Top Gear fuel economy test, proving "... it isn't what you drive that matters, it's how you drive it"
Ah, yes, Fark. The website for people not smart enough the subtle nuances of The Jerry Springer show.
I'm continually amazed at the visceral hatred some people have for the Prius. A few weeks ago a guy reported here that a woman cursed him out at the gas pump for simply being a Prius owner. Maybe I'm expecting too much of humanity.
Yes, unfortunately, you might be. I think the Jerry Springer comment puts it into perspective. Its hard to imagine people like that if they are not part of your daily experience. But they exist.
I know the feeling. Some people on the L.A. freeways get really ticked off when I go faster than they're traveling. It's like they can't handle a Prius traveling as fast as their gas guzzler. :der:
It's just entertainment..... Comparing M3 to Prius or vice's an insult to both ends. These cars are meant to serve in their own universes which never crossed-path.
You have to understand how this test was conducted... The Prius was ran at full throttle as fast as it would go, and the BMW M3 was only pacing it at the same speed even though it could go faster. Of course the Prius got 14 MPG, it would, and at the same speed, yes the BMW M3 will get better mileage. Anything running at top end will get the worst mileage. Put that BMW M3 in town driving, and in speed restricted actual driving conditions...the Prius wins hands down. I see that they didn't figure in the cost of tickets to the cost of driving the BMW M3 at those speeds either! Of course everyone sees the "beat the Prius mileage" tag and don't bother to read any further. We have experienced similar "Prius Rage" incidents similar to everyone else's as well, and I suppose it'll get worse as gas prices get higher, just like a "Mad Max" movie.
How About A Black, Gay, Female Mexican?? Of course SHE would drive a Silver Pine Mica Prius. The ONLY TRUE Green Prius!!:grouphug:
Hmmm. - An mpg test at 105 mph. - Interesting... That's kind of like conducting a hearing test at 150 dB. :scared: The deaf guy wins. (No offense to deaf people, of course.)
Just like the article says, It's not what you drive but how you drive it. If those TOP GEAR guys were smart enought to know how to drive a Prius, they'd be getting 60 MPG like I do, not 14 MPG like an M3. And they'd appreciate it's genious, instead of always cutting it down.
It's every Latin not just Mexicans. But it is mostly Mexicans, since their the majority. Sorry, just had to say something =) chau