Reported by The Sun. Here's the link Also, intermediate models that can shut down their engine when motion is stopped.
Might have been an interesting read had I been able to get past the writer's very poor grammatical skills when it comes to subject-verb agreement. It should be "Mercedes IS" not "Mercedes ARE" since he is using "Mercedes" as the company name and not to indicate a whole bunch of Mercedes. It should be "The German firm IS" (not "ARE") and "The company HAS" (not "HAVE"). I'm not a teacher nor do I play one on television, but such obvious grammatical errors committed by a professional journalist is just a bit much. I guess maybe they just talk funny in the UK.
I enjoyed reading it, sorry but I see the company Mercedes Benz as a company or a group not an individual entity. For example, "the Hells Angels are breaking down my front door," reads better than,"the Hells Angels is breaking down my front door." Maybe it's just how the British and Australians write. Actually on topic, I hope Merc come through with a range of low consumption vehicles and electrics. They are a cutting edge company and once they have put technology into use in the past other car makers have followed soon after. 2010 is looking like a very good year!!!
Well "Toyota are not ready to produce Li-Ion PHEVs" doesn't sound right now does it? I presume the writer sees the "s" in Mercedes and puts a plural one instead
The British always consider a company a plural. This makes some sense, because there are many people there. So they always say "Mercedes are..." etc.
You also need to remember that the Brithish always have had difficulty speaking english properly. Then we American's seem to be having our own issues. For instance, after reading an article covering one of the biggest shake-ups ever in the auto industry, we pick apart the grammar, instead of how the announcement impacts the industry. It's a bit like watching coverage of an alien spaceship landing and complaining about the anchor's tie. I know GM will have their Volt soon, and they already offer hybrid houses...errr SUVS's. Ford has their hybrid also rans. Chrysler?? Well,... I am sure they will introduce a new Hemi 'Cuda. But for Mercedes to say they are going to have a whole line-up in five years, thats bold. The Germans don't care to be out engineered so I am sure the new line-up will have some innivation and IP fall out of the process.
hmm... time for me to go back and re-read the grammar book... Treat a company as an entity or as a group of people...