There are lots of posts on PC about what deals people have been able to make with the market as crazy as it is currently - I've seen posts here on PC about premiums as high as $10K over MSRP. Just curious to know if there are any PC members who have paid this much (and are willing to admit it). I've seen some local dealers asking for more than MSRP, but not 5-10K more. Anyone pay a lot more than MSRP, and willing to share the details?
I'm not too surprised there hasn't been a rush of people wanting to admit they got screwed over. C'mon folks. Raise your hands. /unlikely
Yeah, I don't know if there will be many (or any) real responses to this thread - but you never know...
Kinda like standing up at the PTA meeting and asking how many present abuse their children. "Yeah, but I only hit the kid when I got no money for gas." I suspect that more than a few recent buyers have reason to believe that they could have gotten a better deal -- I sometimes wonder myself. But, there are/were a million subjective reasons why they felt compelled to get it done. What to do? Move on, you got beat up once, why self-inflict the hurt again. What the heck, even if you bought yesterday, if you're really dissatisfied, wait 'til next month and resell it -- "50+ MPG, Clean, Low Miles, Under Warranty." You might even recover the taxes, tag, and title fees!! But if you wait a month, and you have even a modest commute, say 40 miles round trip, you'll quickly notice the savings. I'll be hard to let go then with $5, $6, and some say even $7 a gallon gas looming in the not too distant future.
I paid MSRP about a month ago for my Prius. Not too long after, I saw people posting about what great deals they got. I guess the bottom line is that I'm very happy with my purchase. My wife and I love the car.
Savings? Well, if you paid $10k over list, you'll have to drive 125K miles at $4 / gallon to spend $10K on gas. Not even remotely worth it.
Guy at work told me yesterday that when he picked up his car (non-Toyota) there was a used '08 Prius #5 with $800 miles on the lot with a window sticker of $34999. Obviously, whether they get it or not remains to be seen.
This thread seems to have a bit of smugness and self-satisfaction. My opinion only. I don't care what you paid, MSRP, under MSRP, Invoice, etc, the dealer did NOT lose money on your deal. A percent or so on the financing, big bucks on the trade, add ons like ToyoGuard, all fall into dealer profit. All those nice shiny new Toyota Stores were bought with customer money.
I bought my 2008 package2 for $21,700 + Tax in December. If anyone is interested I can sell it to them for $31,700!
I honestly could care less what anyone else paid. The only thing that matters to me is what I paid back in September of last year.
During June in the Atlanta area about $2,000 seemed to be an often heard amount. At Toyota Mall of Georgia I made an appointment with the internet salesman. He wasn't there when I arrived for the appointment and eventually another salesman agreed to talk to me. Things started off with him leaned back in his chair saying, "We used to mark these (Prius) at 49,900 but thought that was gouging. We are getting 4, 500. - At this point I got up out of the chair and he quickly said, "but I can check and see if we can do 2,000." The last thing I heard as I went out the door was, "Don't go" Of the five other dealerships I visited it seemed about 2,000 was ballpark for what they would end up taking. That was the ADM (Additional Dealer Markup) I paid. One "Corporate Dealership" told me that they could not ever guarantee I would get what I wanted to order. That awful phase is behind me and I am growing to love my Prius. Of course no one held a gun to my head or to anyone else's to buy one of these things and the law of supply and demand does operate best in a free market.
if this helps, friend of mine couldn't wait for the new Prius and bought $42k otd BMW... after riding with me today with my new Prius III, he immediately regretted his purchase, especially since his car is V6 3.0 liters that uses only premium gas... If anyone paid $10k over MSRP, atleast its a Prius...