I have had a contract and down payment for a Black Prius since May 20th. I've checked their website everyday and from yesterday to today it has changed. Yesterday no Prii showed up. Today there are two and one is black. They dont list prices or give any package details. I do have the vin listed from the web site and would like to know if I can look up what this car is and where it was shipped? Let say my car is sold out from under me, even if I have a deposit put down. What can I do about it? Wedge
I don't know if the cars that arrived at your dealer were pre-sold to someone ahead of you on your dealer's waitlist, but it can't hurt to give your dealer a call and ask if either of the new deliveries are available. I would also be inclined to ask for the ETA for your car while I had the dealer on the phone...
Have you received any updates since you put down your deposit? It's very possible that you are still not at the top of the list, even with over a month behind you. I put my deposit down on 5/23 and received a call last Friday that there was a car matching my 2nd choice in their July allocation. I decided my 2nd choice was good enough and said yes. If black was your only choice you will likely have to wait until you are at the top of the list when a Black matching your request makes the dealer's allocation. And as far as the website goes, all new Prii on dealer websites are likely already sold.
I'd be visiting other nearby dealers, talking with the sales mgr, letting them know that I'd appreciate being called if any "orphan" black Pri's show up. Maybe even putting down another deposit.:yo:
I'd be really concerned with why they are even showing up on the website?? They don't put cars up on the inventory stock section unless the car is available for purchase, if they have a waiting list, that would mean that no cars are available and anything coming in is already on hold for someone, if you are waiting for a black Prius and this is the package you asked for, I would be on the phone with the dealer very quickly asking why they are advertising on their website that these 2 cars are available in their inventory when they have a waiting list?? Something does not seem right, unless someone goofed someplaced and listed these as available when they are clearly not..
If they are already allocated why the h*ll put on the inventory list. That just seem stupid. Also if it's on the list and somebody show up to purchase it and they try and sell them something else, I'd consider that a bait and switch. Which is illegal. So again I ask, if the car isn't really available why put in in the inventory list. Wedge
I think a lot of these cars get put on the inventory list automatically, by computer. Yes, I agree it's stupid, but I don't think it's sinister. When I bought my Prius in November 2007, there were dealerships all over my city listing more inventory than they actually had. It was very frustrating to go to dealers who had listed my "perfect" Prius, only to find the listings weren't up to date. Even the salesmen aren't sure. When I finally bought mine, the salesman had to take me on the lot to make sure the car I wanted was still physically there (it wasn't) so I had to trade up a bit. I think everyone's just overwhelmed right now. I feel somewhat sorry for Toyota salespeople -- a lot of them don't have any product to sell, and I'm not just talking about the Prius.
Could it be that you are always in the bull pen waiting to buy but with such demand he might be able to flip for over msrp and make his numbers for the month? They know they have your sale and it could be used next month ?? Hope not ...good luck
The online list only shows what's coming to the dealership. The cars you see have probably already been allocated to people (like myself) who have been on the WL's for MONTHS.
Call them and ask them "Is that my black Prius?" If they say no, ask for the VIN number of YOUR Prius. In the meantime, call around to every dealer within 200 miles. Whoever delivers your Black Prius first wins. And the dealer can give you your deposit back. They're not serious and they've been making interest off your money for 2 months.
Not true. Cars on the inventory list may be sold but not delivered to the buyer. I think generally they haven't yet arrived at the dealership.
I couldn't agree more. I put down a deposit and was on a waiting list, but got impatient and really started calling around. I found one about 2.5 hours away at the price I want. I've got my vin # and delivery will be in 2 weeks and my original deposit has been refunded. Go for it!
If you have a VIN, it is a very, very good sign that you will get the vehicle, but not a guarantee. The dealer will have a car coordinator that in all likelyhood keeps the shipping status on a whiteboard or something similar. Ask very nicely if you can see that. It should have the VIN, buyer, port arrival location and date, and dealer arrival date. Unfortunately, most salemen do not update the customer till it arrives, causing much worry that the car has been given away. This is very rare...if you put down a deposit and a VIN has been given to you.